Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 & Welcome 2010...

Have a happy, healthy and safe new year to all of you...

Just wanted to send you a little wish before I sign off...maybe while I am in the car if I am not too sleepy, I will blog more...

See you all next year....

Monday, December 28, 2009

So tiring sometimes...

...with all that, sometimes it's so hard to locate a person. FML!

Wheels are turning...

...I did lots of thinking on many topics this weekend. I thought about the friendships I gained and lost and recover, & what my part take in all the situations, my progress in every aspect of my life and how I can still improve and become a better woman. I am one of those who is loyal and stick with you 'til the end when I get the same responses in return. I know everyone is not perfect but I come damn Well...I have my flaws and I think to become a better person, the first step is to realize what your flaws are and to be able to make changes from them, only if one wants to, of course.

On a friendship level...

I know I can be the best damn friend anyone can ask for but most of the times, I find myself pulling back because of the past demon haunts me in the most miserable way. I am quite certain there is fault in both parties when it comes to all kinds of relationships but I've come across pretty messed up individuals in my life. And I know it's not the end of it yet. I will meet more of them I am sure of it. The important thing is that how I handle myself with them. And I truly appreciate everyone I met through all sorts of portals. They have been very inspirational and bring positivity to my daily life. I still do very much appreciate and love the constant ones who are in my life to cheer me on and let me have it when I deserve it. Oh and I realize I have lots of frenemies and I can't do anything but love them because they motivate me in a sick way.

On personal level...

School ~ I need to get to my thesis like yesteryear. I know I have talked about it many times on several occasions and I am still contemplating over nothing. UGH! I hate myself for it but I know that has to change immediately.

Work ~ I have made my 3 year mark at my job and I have learned a lot from it.

Home ~ I love my home life and I love my family. PERIOD!

Personality ~ I am short tempered and have no patience but if I didn't, it wouldn't be ME. =)

...okay so this post might sound like as if I have won an Oscar and thanking people but it just is what I was reflecting on this past weekend. Holidays make me all mushy and one emotional mess. Gotta love it.

I hope everyone had the best holiday with your loved ones.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays All...

... just wanted to wish all of you to have happy holidays with your loved ones and to send warm wishes your way ...

... hope you get all the gifts that you wanted from SANTA ...

So far I am having a very nice holiday with family and friends. I love all the wishes and cards that I got. I feel loved by all. I am grateful to have people who love me.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS...and do not take things/people for granted.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Smiles all around...

I baked sugar cookies last night for my coworkers and brought them to work today...the end results...THEY LOVE IT. =)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That's what I'm talking about...

Last night, after work, I felt great being on treadmill and in class. I felt every part of my muscles and I am feeling it now. LOL. I am getting things back in the swing of it. And the next thing I need to get the step on is on my THESIS. I need to focus.

It's cold as ice out today and I hope everyone is warm. I'd rather this weather more than the rain and snow. But fluffy snow is okay.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's ON!!!

Today is the first day back to the gym. As Borat would say, "I'm EXCITE!!!" lol... We shall see. Yesssir. I can't wait to be on treadmill and in a Latin Impact class. It's kind of sad because I was looking at the schedule and I can only catch that class on Tuesday. =( Anyways...let me just concentrate on the happiness that I WILL BE BACK IN THE GYM. YES!!!! I want to be looking SLAMMIN' by April but if it happens earlier than that who am I to argue with that. =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sometimes...people are...

...and that is all I have to say.

Happy 35th!!! the best parents I could ever asked for... I love you May May and Daddy.

Weekend Recollection 12/5 - 12/6


I had to get up early to take my mom to Brooklyn monastery. Then headed back home just in time to meet up with Shonda for long over due catch up time. We went to the gym first so I can get my gym affairs in order. I had to unfreeze my account and she wanted to join. After that we went to Roosevelt Field Mall to look at things. We had our eyes make over at the MAC counter and left to Red Lobster for dinner. We had a great catch up time. I haven't seen her since March. I will be seeing her more since we will be at the same gym.


My parents invited me out to have lunch with them for their anniversary. We went to this Thai was so delicious. We had a great time.

Overall, it was a great weekend. I am happy I did everything I love. I know I wasn't going to do the weekend recollections anymore but I didn't get to blog on the actual day and I didn't want to miss blogging the moments that I enjoyed. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I've decided!!!

I think I am going to either write daily or not write at all. I don't want to do the weekend thing anymore. I sometimes don't do anything exciting for me to write about so why write something when there's nothing happening. So I will only write when the writing flow comes through on top of my cabeza to the tip of my fingers. ;-)

Tiger Woods...

...I just wish people would stop talking about this. I don't condone what he did and it is unacceptable in my book but it sure is annoying to hear or read. Oh my, let me stop writing about it. Does anyone realize the troops will be sent overseas???

Thursday, December 3, 2009

When Sadness & Madness collide...

....there is a RANDOMNESS!

~ I wish I dream about my grandmother so I can see her one last time cousin and mom dreamed about her, and now they make me feel like grandma doesn't appear in my dreams because she is upset that I didn't get to see her before she passed. Last time I saw her was in 2003 and she passed in 2007.

~ Work is actually having Christmas party this year. We skipped last year so I wasn't expecting this year at all.

~ I need a change and I am actually going through the process right now. Revamping myself for 2010.

~ 15th can't come soon enough. It's a back to the gym day, pay day and anything and everything else day. LOL!

~ I hated that my dad was asking me where I was last night to pick me up and I couldn't tell where I was because I had no idea which way Jamaica Avenue was located and he didn't know where Jamaica Hospital was. Both of us didn't know where we were. That was pure and full throttle frustration for me. FAILED!!! BTW, that hospital was the most unorganized and ghetto place I have ever seen in hospital. I was horrified.

~ People must think I entertain DRAMA because even when I am running the other direction, they follow. I must have entertained it when I was much younger but not anymore.

~ I am starting to wonder why I have FaceBook and twitter accounts. They create problems.

~ I really can't stand people who portray themselves for what they are not. Now I feel like it's all a front.

~ I know that I am being judged from my blog but whatever. I don't think my blog can define me as a whole.

~ When all things else failed, I will still and always have my family.

~ After thoughts after thoughts last night, I told myself I am not going to let people take advantage of me and my kindness, and won't let things bother me.

I hope everyone is having a great day in this FORKS weather.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


...yesterday was the last day of November in 2009. A friend of mine from the past called and she and I went to have dinner and drinks. So it kind of took my blues away. I haven't seen her in years. I enjoyed my night out even though it was on dangerously, I know. LOL.

I can't believe we are in the last month of the year. Where did the time go? I got plans for 2010. Everything is in process. I can't wait for everything to fall into places.

Weekend Recollections 11/28 - 11/29


The whole day was not productive at all. But I guess I knew that since I got up. I just needed one of those days. I was lazy and fully rested.


I got up and cleaned my room. I did all the laundry and took a shower and got ready for work. I couldn't believe I was preparing for work. LOL. I was feeling emotional and a bit down. I guess it could happen when I started thinking about things.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I hate being asked...

"are you seeing anyone?"... know that's the question that I get whenever I go around the family or people that I haven't seen or spoken to in ages. "Yes, I am fine...How are you?" ::smh::

Yesterday was thanksgiving day. I had a day off, Woohoo!!! But I am at work today. ::frown:: I wish I can go do the Black Friday thing instead I am having Friday blues...

I was watching Beyonce's show in Vegas on ABC last night. It was a pretty good segment. While I was watching it, it had me thinking about LOVE. I respect the love that Jay-Z & Beyonce share. They are very on the low of their relationship and marriage. I mean two people can be in love and there is no need to be all public about it. They are not hiding or denying their love for each other but they just don't talk about it. He does what he has to do and so does she. I want that kind of love. I envy their love. It's not a hip hop thing nor the white thing, black thing, asian thing or spanish thing, it's just the LOVE THING. And I want that!!! And the reason I am not in anything right now is because I would not settle for less. Everyone has their standards. I have been through so much in the past and I have given/taken so much that when I start a relationship in the future, I will be ready for that person. I am preparing and renewing myself for an improvement. There is always room for an improvement, I believe.

And the future awaits...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekend Recollection 11/20 - 11/22


This was the longest work day ever. I couldn't wait to get home. Well not home so much although I love HOME, what's coming after when I get home was very very exciting. I was meeting the girls to watch "The Twilight Saga : New Moon". Tickets were bought in advance by a friend and she's taking me to see this with her friends. Even with the tickets we had to stand on line to get in for 10 minutes shy of 2 hours. We had people bribing and wanting to be a part of us so they can cut the line. The movie was AWESOME. After the movie, the girls persuaded me to read the books so I can fully enjoy the saga. So I am thinking about it. I met 8 people prior to the movie and the group dynamic was awesome. I've been people with so much drama so I enjoyed this group to the fullest.

Before heading home, I had my coworker begging to have a drink with her so I agreed to it. ::smh:: I had a drink since the meet up time for the movie was 30 minutes earlier than the time set up initially.


I had plans to go to the movie with my cousin but it got cancelled. I was just having that kind of day. But I did have a blockbuster night with mommy and cousin. The movies were funny, "The Proposal" & "Vicky Christina Barcelona".


My cough was still lingering so I didn't go to the birthday party for a one year old. I didn't want bunch of mothers after me for getting all their babies sick. I took a trip to Barnes & Noble. I love bookstores. I didn't do my laundry or any cleaning this weekend. I have Turkey day for it. :-)

Monday, November 16, 2009

How Far Do You Let People In?

Once in a while I think about how intimate I should get on my blog. There is a list of blogs I read on the daily basis. The list varies with different topics. I also read blogs which reveal lots of personal things. I still haven't found my niche in the blog world but I know that I don't want to get too personal. There is always possibilities of becoming friends with fellow bloggers then it would be my choice if I want to let people in my life or not. One thing I always know what not to do, I don't judge the book by the cover although I pretty much have keen senses on peoples' characteristics. But I am getting the feeling that I am being judged by my blog. Oh wells. I can't please everyone. Have a great day!!!

Weekend Recollection 11/13 - 11/15


The longest work day ever... The rain had to come for the weekend. UGH! But I guess, whatever! I mean nothing that an umbrella couldn't fix. It is what it was. But the only thing annoyed me was when it rains, we get train problems. I don't know why but we just do. So I had a long ride home hopping on more trains then I needed to. Then dad did the honor and picked me up from Flushing. Thank you Daddy! And please tell me why the ex was calling me like it was okay for him to call me.


I was coughing my lungs out the whole day. I hate this season for this reason alone. I get this horrible cold and it won't go away. I did some cleaning and went to CVS to get some medicine for the cough that won't go away.


I was going to go out but I decided to stay in to do the laundry and some more cleaning. A friend of mine from FL BBMed me and I was sorta surprised for the fact that we had a long meaningful conversation over it. One of the topic he asked was why I am not sharing myself out there. LOL. So I told him this...dude, I do go out and the last time I went out, I got hit on by the marrieds, the taken and the NON-English speakers. That right there was no win situation. Anyways...he gave me some encouraging words like I was in depression which I am not. I am practically happy with my life right now. Things can always get better and there is always a room for an improvement. Anywho, good BBM conversation overall and I ended my night with some Wanda Sykes.

I had a great weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed theirs.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What Do I Really Want???

I have been sitting here thinking about what's really been going on with me. I feel like I am drifting away from myself. Then I realized I am reforming/restructuring myself. I want to be ready when I am in the next relationship. Dudes come at me and all I am doing is like be nice about it and then I keep it moving. I need more than appearance. I need someone who I can have a real conversations for hours and they mean something. Is that too much to ask for???
So...this morning, I was on the subway as I would be like any other week day. There was a guy who was throwing smiles my way like I am a rock star. So not to be rude or anything, I smiled back. I have this mean mug on every time I am on the public transportation because there are crazies out there. Ha! Anyways, I guess that smile must have encouraged him to walk up to me. Whatever! So he said hello and I said hi. There is nothing wrong with that until he started saying bunch of things and I had no idea what he was saying because his accent was so strong. Trust me, I migrated from other continent so I understand how accents can be. But what I didn't understand was why he needed to tell me I was beautiful like 10 times in a minute and homeboy had nothing else to say. I mean I gave him a chance to throw something my way to have me interested with a conversation that would have started with other things like do you work around here, what do you do...anything except for me being beautiful. I thanked him and went about my business. O and that didn't end there, he wanted my number. WHY??? Dude, do you actually have something to say? I hardly understand you. I don't know. The thing that worry me the most is I do not want to see him again at the station. If I do, I will say I have a man. :::SMH:::

Weekend Recollection 11/7 - 11/8


I stayed in bed for a long time because I had the worst headache of all hit me like there was no tomorrow. Then I got up to help my mom for lunch/dinner. We ate and I had to lay back down because I honestly thought my quarterly migraine was visiting me. UGH! But when I got up I felt so much better. I took a shower to wake myself up more and then my parents called to see if I wanted to go to the strip where they had stores with them, perfect timing, so they can pick me up. Great! I was ready when they got me and then we ended up staying at the strip until the stores closed. Then I headed to UNOs. I had the usual... 2 Margaritas, 1 Malibu Pineapple and a shot of Jack! I couldn't drink more since I was recovering from a migraine but the most important thing was NYC blues were all over the place. I'd like to keep my license. ;-) BBM with Jill a bit, watched some shows and was out like a light!


I did the 3 hours of mall walking and it was very liberating. No one to worry about. I went into stores, checked out things and bought what I needed. No need to wait for anyone. I got home and did the laundry.

Although I didn't do much, I had a great weekend. I hope everyone had a great one as well.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ummm YUM!

So I was getting ready this morning and catching up with Monday Wendy show. And this was who I saw as her guest on Monday, MARK SALLING! What an eye candy! So he plays a character on Glee. I don't watch that show but damn he is fine.'s always great starting my day off with such beauty. Thank you, Wendy!!!
*Sidenote* I published my first video on YouTube. It's my first video so it's such a raw material but what the hey. I have to start somewhere.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Weekend Recollection 10/30 - 11/1


I wasn't feeling good at work all day and I couldn't wait to run home. I was beat. When I got home, I was in my bed under the blankets. I took some Aleve and I was straight to call it a Saturday.


Happy Halloween!!!
My dad woke me up for a good deal I couldn't pass on for the brakes for my car. I did the rear breaks along with the rotors. *ching ching* I intended to do the laundry...the secret word...INTENDED..., but didn't happen. I stayed home sick and handed out candies. I decided to participate in the Halloween festivities next year! The Yankees did great.


I did the laundry, Zumba, took a shower, more laundry and did the Walgreens run. And yes all in that order. The Yankees did great again with a little heart attack they tried to give me. Dammit Yankees. But it's all good. I enjoyed both game days.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Right now...

1. It's very annoying that it's raining in NY again.

2. I am very disappointed that I haven't had a meaningful conversation in awhile. (mental stimulation is a must)

3. I really don't understand why the past don't like to stay there. There is a reason why it's the past.

4. I never knew I was a girly girl. Although I am still not one of those who are afraid to break a nail.

5. I watch and can talk about sports with guys. I guess that makes me not a full blown girly girl. LOL!

6. I need to get away with a total stranger I trust. (where would I find one of those?, HA!)

7. I get bored easily with boring people who think they are so interesting.

8. I love my family.

9. Thinking very heavy on making a vlog on youtube. (should I or shouldn't I?)

10. The last time I read Cosmo was in July. (I have to catch up with my subscription. ::SMH::)

11. I need to get back on Zumba and my thesis.

12. I want to see Tyler Perry's "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" and "Law Abiding Citizen".

13. I need a "Reggie Bush" in my life.

14. I miss my long hair, but I manage with my whatever length now. WHATEVER!

15. I am content, not too sure it's a good thing or bad thing but for now it is what it is.

16. I want "Crab Shanty" from City Island. Those crab legs are so long over due. lol.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Recollection 10/24 - 10/25


It rained the whole day it was sickening. Dad told me to take mom to Macy's while he cooked so there we went including my cousin and we came back so late. But dinner was ready when we got back. I love those kind of days. I basically caught up with all my shows on DVR so I was happy about that.


I woke up with a headache. UGH! I meant to do laundry today but I didn't get to do it. I just relaxed and I am glad I did. I enjoyed the Yankees. They were the best way to shut down my weekend!!! Yes we are going to the world series. I am uber excited.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Friday, October 23, 2009

Did I need the retail therapy?

.....Every morning I get ready for work, I either have to put on the TV or the radio to get in the mood. Anyways...I digress like there is no tomorrow so putting on either/or doesn't help me. ::shrug:: So after I hopped out of the shower, I decided to put on the TV and the newsman on NY1 said something about how they will make the then club, the Limelight, into the Limelight Market. The news showed the progress of the place and it brought me back so much memories. That was the first club I've been to back in High School. Although I don't remember much, I remember being the responsible one and looked out for all of us who went that night. I like the market idea and I think I will definitely check it out when it's on the up and up in Spring 2010.

I am feeling a bit girly today. Maybe changing the nail polish color (Pink Parfait) last night while watching the Yankees. And I am wearing pink and black. I am definitely feeling girly today. I went to Claire's to get some accessories during lunch. I had 2 apples and water for lunch. All of those I did during lunch without anyone was such a great idea. I didn't feel as if I need to check with someone if they wanted to stop by a store with me or not. I felt so free and happy. I needed to feel that way.

Have a juicy day...
Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Right Here Right Now

I don't want to be in a relationship but I do want to be in-like. It would be some what of a cute thing if I have someone that I want to be around to call upon on to do whatever. I do miss being able to trust someone that I can fall asleep in their arms. I just realized I am not so sure what I exactly want at this moment but I can definitely say I am missing something. I think I got the blues.

Monday, October 19, 2009

2009 VH1 Hip Hop Honors Show

I dvr-ed it although I know they will replay it again and again on VH1. I finally saw it on Sunday. It was great hearing all the songs from back in the days and I enjoyed it to the max. I know I might be a little too late on this but DAMN!, that boy up there is so fine. I am not into pants down on the ass but I can't discredit him for that. *wink* Yes I see you, Trey! And that is all I gotta say. YUM!

Weekend Recollection 10/16 - 10/18


Even though I worked for 3 days the week, I needed the weekend like the next dude on the street. As soon as I got home, I took my nail polish off thinking I can do my nails for the baby shower but I was occupied with stuff (I still don't remember what they were) so I didn't get to do it. I saw the Yankees on TV and I had a blast. The boys played well.


I got up to get ready for the baby shower. Then I got a BBM asking me if I had any plans meeting up with people. I had no problem meeting up with anyone but not when I have to go out of my way to meet those people up to pick them up. What the hell was that? Okay so what I am about to say/type is going to make me look like a bitch but right about now I really don't care. I have been in many situations where people have offer me/my services to themselves. I mean let me have my own choice, let me do the offering. Don't plan among each other and make me feel like if I was stupid and oblivious to what was going on. I hate it. I got so annoyed I was to the point I didn't even want to go anymore. Since I made plans to go and I got the gift already, I went. I stayed for a bit and I left. The shower was ok. It wasn't universal at all. It was for all Spanish speaking folks. Non-Spanish speaking folks like me felt like someone has dropped me off in D.R.. It was all good. I went out, I had fun and I headed home. I watched the playoff and the boy did it again.


I was waken up rudely by nature (and no I didn't pee in my bed, it's female issues, LOL). I had to get up wash my sheets and take the shower. In a way, I finished my chores early and I spent time with my parents. We all sat in the living room and talked. I don't remember when was the last time we did that. I loved it. I went to sleep early for a change even then it was at 12 am mark. *smh* And guess what??? I didn't hear a peep from those heffas who wanted a ride from me on Saturday.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weekend Recollection 10/9 - 10/13


I was pretty excited to get home, pack my stuff and be on my merry way to VA. I made plans with my cousins so I was looking forward to it. We got to VA so late. But I guess that was expected if you leave anywhere at 7:30 and the trip takes at least 5 hours to get there.


Happy Birthday Kyi Kyi. My aunt's birthday and she threw a birthday party for her. Then after that I went to the outlets with my cousins and then headed to Burmese restaurants after that we went to Bestbuy because I have a tech bug in me and I had to scratch that itch. LOL. But I didn't get anything. But I got myself sunglasses from the outlet. My dad had his reunion so my parents were there while I was rampaging Walmart. I secretly love that store. I bought shampoos & conditioners, leg warmers and nail polishes.


I stayed in bed late then had lunch. And I packed while I sang my heart out on Karaoke. My uncle seemed to enjoyed it. LOL. Then we headed out to NY. As much as I had fun and didn't want to leave, I can't wait to get home.


It's Columbus day! Federal holiday so the bank are closed. Yay for me. So I vegged out in bed.


I took a day off. The very last day of my sick/personal days of the year. So I enjoyed it to the fullest. I went out with my mom to get a baby shower gift for Saturday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sometimes I Forget...

First day back to work. I took a day off but combined with the Columbus day and the weekend, I had the total of 4 days off. I was in heaven until I got back to work today. Ugh just UGH! I literally had to do two days work on top of the mistake they made, the auditors had questions, and all of the sudden no one knows how to do anything. I was thinking how did they all survive without me. I worked straight from the time I got in which was at 8:45 until 4:45. They had me working there like I was a street walker. *smhh* I have a headache. I need a bear hug.

Mom's first day back to work also.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hahaha...isn't that the cutest thing? My little cousin and his first try with the ladies. So adorable.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I felt so used...


I leave people behind when I feel I was being taken for granted. Even then I was kind enough and I let my guard down.

~ background ~

I used to go to High School with this girl...let's call her Diva. Ha! She has the diva attitude but her look, not so much. She always made me feel like she wants to do things with me and talk to me when she has nothing to do. I know everyone is that way in one way or another but she makes it so obvious. But anyways, she is now married and I guess she is having problems with her husband. So she called me on Sunday while I was busy with my family but I still entertained her with her problems because I felt bad. She is one of those people who thinks marriage can fix and change a person. What a mistake!

so yesterday...she called and she wanted to see if I wanted to meet up after work (she is not working right now), and I said yes since she is having problems. But guess what the chick did??? She left me hanging, while we were at the store after she paid, when her husband called.


Weekend Recollection 10/3 - 10/4


I was rudely interrupted out of my sleep into cleaning and setting up beds for 5 family members that were on their way from VA. After that I took a shower knowing I wouldn't be able to when they arrived. They finally got to the house around 1 and we all had lunch together and headed to the Burmese concert at BMCC. I saw the concert in MD back in September but I had to see it again. (yes, I enjoyed it that much!) But the public transportation on the weekend was craziness. After the concert, we headed to Chinatown for dinner with a couple of arguments here and there. We got home at 2 in the morning...


Pretty much chilled and went to have brunch at Saigon Grill. And we headed to Flushing to do some shopping for VA and to have shaved ice desserts. YUM! Then we all just relaxed and watched taped concert with my parents who didn't go.

I had a blast this weekend with some arguments with the family. I was so upset I cried. I hate it when I cry. Things get out of control and the minute I didn't check my emotions, there comes the tears. Don't get me wrong, I don't cry easily but I was pushed to the limit.

Friday, October 2, 2009

New Love...

Sooooo pretty. I thought I was going to look whorish but I look nice. LOL...yes my own opinion counts with me 150%. :-)

Have a good weekend everyone.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Devil is in Chinese form...UGH!

So yesterday, I had it out with "The Chinese". He got on the last piece of my nerve and that was it. I was done. I shouldn't have let him have the best of me. "The Chinese" is the newcomer at the work place. What had happened was (lol, every time I start the conversation like that I have to laugh) I gave him some paperwork for him to sign. Instead of him returning all my paperwork, the devil gave him to someone else. When I asked him, he replied, "I don't know what you do". I was fumed. I mean yes that should be reasoned enough for you to return all my paperwork and not to someone else. WTF. Was I wrong for being mad? UGH just UGH!

I shouldn't let him stress me out at work. It's just work. Not my's just a part of my life. So I exhaled and calmed down. I need a drink! Anyways...on the positive note, I have a new follower. Yay for me. Wow...I have 2 now.

*Side note - I have lots of Chinese friends and I am Southeast Asian. I am not trying to be racist but UGH!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you still have an account?

So...I had an aim chat with this dude yesterday. And there was no hello or hi or how are you.

Him: Are you ok?
Me: Yea, why?
Him: Are you still on Facebook and Twitter?
Me: Yes I am.
Him: I c
Him: Did you delete me?
Me: Yes I did.

*awkwardly ended the chat by the dude*

I do the summer/fall/winter/spring cleaning on those accounts. I am not on there for the popularity contest so I delete people that are on the list for I don't know what. *shrug* The problem with this dude was he feels the need to know what the hell is going on in my life. Yes granted that I am on those things because I got no shame in my game and it's for everyone once you go online. But in my defense, my accounts are private. I am mainly on there for family and I play FB games. *embarrassed* Anyways, if there is a new tweet or status go up instead of him commenting or whatever, he privately asks me. And when he has his status or tweets up and if anyone comments or replies, he deletes them. WTF! So, yes I deleted him.
With that said, GOOD DAY DUDE!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Snoop or Not To Snoop?

In every relationship, there is a bit of curiosity. Now it depends on a person whether to act on it or not. There are times people do snoop around (I know lots of people do) and find what they don't expect or expect and in the end they don't know how to approach a person depending on the findings. Personally, I don't like it when people hide things but everyone has their own rights to do so. But if you are hiding anything, things are bound to come out one way or another. So the snooper or the snoopee will be found out in the end. LOL.

So knowing all that in the back of your mind, would you still snoop? Don't get me wrong, when I was young & stupid, I was both the snooper and the snoopee (shame on me, I know), but now I know better not to even deal with anyone I can't trust.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Recollection 9/25 - 9/27


I wanted the day to go fast. I waited for the weekend. I was sick in the middle of the week so I so looked forward to the weekend. Oh and Jill called and we met up for lunch today. This is the first time I met Jill in person and she is a sweetheart. We had lunch and then I met up with her and her friend Ian after work just to walk around until she had to catch her train back to New Rochelle.

Saturday & Sunday...

Basically I stayed home since mom's friend from L.A. was in town and stayed at the house. I did house chores and that was just about how my weekend came and went. LOL.

I know I feel like I am living an old lady life but that's what I am enjoying right now. I will be back fresh and all in October. I think. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

News Flash *I have a crush*. CUTE!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Recollection 9/18 - 9/20

~ Friday ~

4:30 couldn't come soon enough. I was covering a vacation for a department and one of them called out sick on top of it. FML! But it was all good. There were nothing I couldn't handle. I mean I didn't complain like others. I took it like a champ. Why complain when nothing will get accomplished? So I did what I got to do and ran out of there! LOL. We had a little get together after work with a coworker that left 2 weeks ago. I had a margarita, a Smirnoff and shrimp in the basket to eat. And I took LIRR to head home. That was my night. S0 PG I know but I enjoyed it. I asked dad for a favor to pick me up.

~ Saturday & Sunday ~

I stayed home, cleaned and stayed with mom.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had many thoughts on friendship. I am not too sure if I am ready to talk about it. Maybe I will blog about my thoughts on it later. I am going to have dinner with 2 acquaintances of mine at Red Lobster after work today. I think at this point I am more excited about food than the company. Am I wrong?

And Jill BBMed me the other day...I might actually meet her on Thursday. We will have lunch if she has time. Now I am excited about that.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weekend Recollection 9/11 - 9/13


It rained all day long. After work, cousin came by work and we trooped to the bus stop to be on our way down to VA. I was super excited. We couldn't find the bus stop but we managed. We hit a couple of traffics but we got there not too late.


We got up early and three of us went to MD for Great Adventure with some of my cousin's friends. We got on the JOKER JINX, RIDE OF STEEL & all the water rides in the water park. I had so much fun. After that we headed back home (VA), got ready and headed back to MD for Burmese Concert. We all had a blast. Took bunch of pictures with Burmese Singers. I don't think I would have been doing all that if I was in Burma. *smhh*


We planned to leave early but we ended up on the 3 P.M. ride. The bus dropped us off in Chi-town in NY nowhere near the subway spot. WHAT A BITCH!!! Anyways...we found the subway on our own and got home so late because the trains always run on weekend schedules on the weekends...DUH! LOL.

We had so much fun. VA family took care of us always. I love my family. Although mom was a little mad since we took long to get back to NY. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Friday, September 11, 2009

R.I.P. 9/11...

...Grandfather has been gone for 13 years today. We shared the same birthday.

...Alejandro has been gone for 8 years.

...& all the innocence.

A Quick Rundown on What's in Store for MOI...

...Work couldn't finish fast enough for me.

...Heading to VA with my cousin. Be back on Sunday. (Details will soon come! Haha, that's the Jamaican in me.)

...Other blogs are giving reviews on items or educational stuff but not mine. Maybe that's why I don't have much followers. (I'm sure I have mentioned that before.)

...Most of the times, people just annoy me. My bestfriend said I shouldn't let anything bother me. I should listen but I don't.

...In need of Nintendo DSi...ok maybe not in need. I WANT IT!!!

...Still contemplating on piercing. (Maybe in October.)

...Want new tattoos.

Have a great weekend everyone. ENJOY!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Must Be My Lucky Day...

Guess what???

I came out of work and saw Tyson Beckford in front of my job. He was so fine. I took pictures but not with him. I got all shied up. :-(

But doesn't he look all delicious?!?!??? I took better pictures but I know myself that I would be all lazy and won't upload the pictures. I hear the boy is gay but that doesn't cancel out his good looking self.

Awww, someone is star struck!

Update on mom: She is back at home :-)

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weekend Recollection 9/3 - 9/7

I know 9/3 was not apart of the weekend but I have no choice but to include it. You will see why...


I worked and came home. Of course I was looking forward to the long weekend. (Shit I waited for it since May! A bit much? I think not!!!). So I got home and found out mom had a high fever during the day when she was alone under no one's care. But she claimed she felt better but the fever came back with the vengeance. 103, WTF!!! At first, she was so cold and no color in her face. Then she was getting her color back and started to shake like a crackhead who needed crack yesteryear. I was scared to death. (Trust me, you don't want me dead!) I paged the family doctor and she YELLED at me again for not rushing my mom to ER. On previous posts, I have mentioned mom had her appendix ruptured and had an operation. So in the ER, they had a couple with concerns with her lung, pneumonia and etc... (they didn't seem to know, and they were panicking so ummm, what were my dad & I supposed to do?) Oh and since it's the second time around at the hospital, I looked! Yea I said it, I LOOKED around. (Although mom was sick and all, sorry mom, I love you.) There is no one like McDreamy nor McSteamy. It's only on the screen. They only exist in Hollywood. But there were McSoSo, McNoWay, & McHellNo! Ummm, sorry, I digress! Back to mom! So along came what she hated. She was admitted. I left the hospital at 2 AM.


Here came results on early morning. Mom needed another surgery. She got infections from the rupture. UGH! Poor mom! So yes the long weekend was at the hospital, practically my second home, my home away from home.


My cousin came from VA to be around mom. I spent time at the hospital and my cousins & I went to have Korean BBQ. Mmmm YUM! (I wish I can get some right now.) I got to sleep at home. :-)


My cousin had Indian food since I live in "Lil India" (haha), and we headed to the hospital. Then took him back to the train station. He went back to VA.


Labor day! No work! Yay! Hospital! Laundry! Hospital!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Mine was stressful but grateful mom got help and is feeling better.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Retail Therapy...

...sure does speak for itself... I took a walk to Macy's at lunch time. My main reason was to go there and get the 5465713th pair of sunglasses. I tried on the ones I thought I liked and then the sales girl tried to show me the ones that I don't see fit on me. I guess it was her job so whatever. Anyways...I didn't end up buying sunglasses but 2 rings. Do I need them? NO! Do I want them? YES!!! LOL. And it lifted my mood. MAJOR SUCCESS!!! Little things go a long way.

And the weather is wonderful outside. I wish we can have this kind of weather in NY all year long.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday Blues...

I don't know what it is lately that I have been bored out of my mind. I don't want to do anything. I feel blah. I have so many wants on top of my head that, that's when I know I am BORED.

I feel sad today. Not on anything particular but I am having that sadness running through me. No matter how busy I get at work, I find myself reading all the blogs I follow. It's like a daily ritual thing. I see some of them give advice, giving reviews, life stories and experiences they went through, their feelings and current situations and such. But here I am, I am not willing to go all the way with sharing all of me YET. But I enjoy reading others' blogs. They are very insightful. Mine is not. :-( Maybe that's why I don't have anyone reading my blog, except for JILL. Thank Buddha for her.... and thank you Jill.

Okay I hope everyone is having a better day than me. :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend Recollection 8/28 - 8/30

~ Friday ~

Somehow I didn't feel like working and I just wanted to go home. Did I have plans? NO! The thought of me being home is like better than next to NOTHING. Oh my, have I become this 80 years old. No but I am enjoying this phase of my life. Well the fact that Mom is sick and I want to be home taking care of her. Basically I stayed home and relaxed.

~ Saturday ~

I woke up and did nothing but just stayed with Mom. She needs for us to stay with her. Poor Mom. A friend of mine and her boyfriend came over and brought us food on the same day my dad and I cooked.

~ Sunday ~

It was a better day for Mom. more sponge bath for her. I did the laundry and got myself mentally ready for the week coming.

Anything & Everything

~ I hate when there are tons of seats on the bus/train and people choose to sit next to me.

~ I don't mind the Mondays because why complain when it has been existing for the longest.

~ I want love but I am not looking for it.

~ I don't want know what I'm waiting for but I need to get cracking on my thesis.

~ I don't understand why people like to be touching strangers. Ewww!

~ I don't know why but I want a weave. LOL!

~ I want to get my face pierced also but too chicken about it because of the healing period.

That's all for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I forgot to charge my iPod. FML.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can You Say Addiction???


I think I am done with this madison collection for this color.

It's Not Me...It's YOU...(It's Official!!!)


Let me say a little background on this. ...

...I used to work at this accounting place in Downtown area for a year. The involved parties I will be mentioning are "Cuban Link" & "The Yupper".

Fast forward to last night...

I recently got back in touch with CL on Facebook. So him and I have been sending comments to each other's status and walls. Anyways, here is how it all started. I saw one new message in my inbox on FB so I checked. Then it was from CL. He wanted to know if I had a BB and so I replied "yes, here is my pin # and please add me!" So with all that wrote back and forth, finally he requested me on BBM. We started BBMing each other. Then I im-ed him saying I was glad he had a BB and that I am glad we are in touch. (okay he is married and have a kid...pure platonic relationship between us). Out of nowhere, CL said well we would have been cool alot earlier if you didn't say I was getting weird out on you and you flatter yourself too much. At that point, I was in shock. Also in addition to that, he said the yupper is the one who told him that I felt he was being weird with me. I had no idea what I said to her and I will own up to what I said. But regardless if I said anything to her or not, why did she have to repeat what I said to her, about him, to him? But to make peace at it, I told CL that I don't remember what I said (which was the truth) and that if I thought he was weird I wouldn't have talked to him now.

But can you see what I'm saying? Here is what I gotta say to THE YUPPER...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

That's How I Roll TUESDAY!!! (follow me...please)

I feel like I am what I guess I am...Please... :)
I hope everyone is having a good day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Have I Gone Nuts...Or What?!?!?

I think I am possibly leaning that way...CRAZY!!!

Since I have asked my parents if I can have a puppy and they said NO to me like 6868574774557 times, here is my another approach to my continuous craziness...

Me: I think I will have a baby since I can't have a dog.
Dad: Well if you can bring IT everywhere you go then go ahead...
Me: *looked at him* (my baby will not be an IT)
Mom: Where would you leave the baby when you go to work?
Me: I will leave the baby at the day care.
Mom: You will leave the baby??? I don't feel safe.
Me: Where do you think other parents leave their babies when they go to work?


I either said something which made sense or they now officially think I AM ALL CRAZINESS AND THEN SOME!!!


Weekend Recollection 8/21 - 8/23

It seems as I am counting my weekends starting from Friday...oh wells... I think I have to do that on a certain weekend.


I didn't want to work nor did I even want to be at work. My uncle and aunt will be in NY from VA. Well, all Virginians (all 7 of them) were supposed to be in NY this weekend. 2 of them were supposed to arrive Friday and the rest were supposed to be here on Saturday. I was happy to see my family although it's raining after work


Early in the morning, we got a call that my uncle was in ER in VA. WTF!!! I can't take bad news anymore. Something was wrong with his heart and all of them couldn't make it to NY. It's fine that they couldn't make it but I didn't like the fact that he wasn't feeling well. So I stayed in, as I planned, except I had to take my aunt and uncle to Macy's. And then I took much needed naps several times. Mom is still not better. She has pains and doesn't want to take the pain killer. She doesn't want to be addicted to it.


My aunt and uncle left like at 6 in the morning. I did some laundry and watched TV with my parents.

Update on my uncle...he is admitted at the hospital and he will be discharged today. He is feeling better. Dad took 2 days off to stay with mom. I am thankful. I haven't been doing much with anything lately due to mom being sick. And I am good with that. Mom comes above everything. I have been sleeping in the living room on the couch...give my room up for mom and dad since she can't go up the stairs. :-)

Anyways...I hope everyone had a great weekend and have a wonderful Monday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Terrific Thursday...

...So ever since Sunday, my life has been work and hospital. It's all about MOM. It should have been like that from the get go.

I got good news today. MOM IS BEING DISCHARGED!!! Yay.

No more hospital sleepovers. Not that I mind sleeping over with my mommy :) but her roommate can be very noisy and smelly. (I know its very insensitive of me.) So now, I can take care of her at the comfort of our own home.

WELCOME HOME MOM, please don't scare the crap out of me ever again.

Ooo, and it's so true what they said about "when it rains, it pours!" The water pipe on the side of the house busted on Tuesday and all my new and old kicks got wet. UGH! I was momentarily insane. But now I am back to normal...or should I just say myself...I don't know what normal is when it comes to me. LOL.

Weekend Recollection 8/14 - 8/16

Okay so this will be the last week of doing my weekend recollections way past after the actual weekend. From now on, I promise myself I will do my entries on time.


~ 8/14 ~

I couldn't wait to get home because my mom has promised me that we would all go to the movies after work. And sure enough, the whole house went to see "The Time Traveler's Wife". It was sad but at the same time very romantic. We all enjoyed it. After the movies, we all talked about making Wednesdays a family movie night. I was THRILLED!!! (can you tell I love movies???)

~ 8/15 ~

Got up on Saturday with an agenda...of course, the beach. I found out mom was sick and I thought nothing of it. I asked her if it was okay for me to go to the beach and she said fine and just to be careful. So there I went. I had fun and came home to find out that mom was more sicker than when I left the house. I did laundry and I went to sleep. In the mid of the night, my dad came knocking on my door asking for the heating pad for mom. I gave him it to him and then went back to sleep.

~ 8/16 ~

I was deep asleep and I heard another knock. My dad came in and said to tell my mom to go to the hospital. I went upstairs and saw her lying there in the bed all pale and cold. I was so scared. I called my uncle in VA and they spoke. She didn't want to go to the hospital. She said she will be better in a couple of hours. (now I know where I got my stubbornness. *smh*) Well, we, my dad and I, finally got her to go to the hospital with us. We got there at 11 am and after all the test we found out that she might have had her appendix swollen. So they said there might be a possible surgery happening between 6 - 7 pm. And she was admitted to the hospital. After that she got a room. They came and got her for her surgery at 7:30 pm from her room and then the surgery didn't start until 8:30 pm. (WTF!) So my dad and I waited in the family waiting room and paced. The surgeon came out at 10:30 pm and asked us why we didn't bring her in earlier and that her appendix looked like it has been ruptured for 4 - 5 days. We were both dumbfounded. We told him that even for us to bring her here today, we practically begged her. Anyways, she came out to the recovery room so the anesthesia get worn off before they take her back to her room. She looked so weak. I was so sad. I almost lost my mom. The thought did crossed my mind and I cried. After we saw her for a bit, we headed home.

What a weekend!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Random AIM Chat...

*actual chat between this guy who has a girlfriend and who thinks he is my friend and I*

[12:30] BOY: What's your story these day? Got a bf?
[12:35] Me: no bf
[12:35] Me: i m signle
[12:35] Me: single
[12:37] BOY: Sorry I can't help you with that currently
[12:37] Me: huh?
[12:40] BOY: That means I'm not free to hang out or chill
[12:41] Me: its ok i m fine with that
[12:41] Me: i wasnt asking u
[12:41] Me: u asked me if i was single
[12:41] Me: so i was just answering
[12:42] BOY: Brb.. Getting busy @ work


If you act psycho/weird, I will put you on blast. Try to stay sane, PLEASE...for your sake!!!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekend Recollection 8/8 - 8/9

Every weekend, I am a week late to post the weekend recollection post. I need to get my shit together. *smhh*

~ 8/7 ~

...we decided to head to VA for family support. So as soon as I got home, packed and left for the weekend in VA. We got there so late on Friday.

~ 8/8 ~

I got up and went to Burmese Restaurant with my cousin. On the way back, we stopped by at Tyson Corners and then get a gift card for my cousin's birthday in July. (almost a month late and shit) Then we stayed home.

~ 8/9 ~

We all got up early because my aunt was celebrating her birthday at the monastery in Maryland. From there we headed back to NY.

I always have fun times with the family. Hope you all had fun.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Weekend Collections (7/25-7/26) & (8/1-8/2)

Wow... I am getting bad at this, aren't I? *smfh*

~ 7/25 - 7/26 ~

Friday night, family from Va came. On Saturday, we had a BBQ on that day before the concert. We had this best fun at the Burmese concert. I enjoyed the show with my besties. :) I was all smiles. And the next day, we all went to Jones Beach. So nice and refreshing to be out with a family. I LOVED every minute of it. No Yate Thar for the whole weekend.

~ 8/1 - 8/2 ~

Saturday, I woke up early wanting to go to get some color (tanning of course). But ended up getting a text from a friend's family to join them at the public pool (eckkk to the public pool). I did. I had so fun with them besides the fact that I felt like I was in the army. I was lucky to be able to even wear my bathing suits and bring my towel in. (they don't let you bring shit for anything!) And then, on Sunday, I met up with a cousin by marriage from my aunt's husband side and his friend for lunch. And then we walked around on Main Street. They have never been to Queens and they are from Brooklyn. *shocked* Anyways...nonetheless I had fun with them. Of course, Yate Thar all weekend after fun times.

I was excited on Sunday night because I joined NYSC for 2 weeks, WOOOHOOO!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Here is a CONTEST you can Enter!!!

My blogger friend Jill is having a little contest. So hurry on to her blog site and do your thang...

Good luck...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weekend Recollection...

So what if I am a couple days late to recap on my weekend has me all twisted and messed up. I hate my new supervisor. He literally thinks he is an auditor for us instead of working with us. (WTF DUDE!!!) He is so annoying.


Friday (7/17)...

It was almost the weekend and I still didn't know if we were leaving Friday night or Saturday morning. Turned out we left to VA on Saturday morning. So after work, I went to the monastery and then hung out with the ex...this dude I had a crush on in High School and I ended up with him years after High School but only lasted for like a couple let's call him "Crush". Of course he found me on the root of all evils "FaceBook". LOL. He is married now and has a daughter. So when he said he wanted to hang out I though nothing of it. (I know I can be very naive!) So since my dad always loves blocking my car in, I had him come and get me. We went to UNOs. He had beers (lots of them) and food and I had 2 tall glasses of fruit punch and the wings. We did the catching up for the lost time thing and I told him how much I was hating on married guys hitting on me lately and such. And then we went to another place. Of course, He got more beer and I ordered a margarita. Then he asked me if it was okay for him to kiss me. He got the side eye for that shit. (Didn't I just mention to your ass about how I have been getting hit on by married men and you just pulled the same shit, FOOL?!) Anyways...that was the end of that night. I hate boys!

Saturday (7/18)...

I got home at 2:30 AM and I packed for the VA trip. I was all ready to go but we left late. the drive was forever. (at least that's how I felt!) We got there around lunch time and we were starving so we went to this Burmese Restaurant that I have been hearing about. It was so good. to my cousin's house, rested, took a shower and off I went with my cousin's to pick up food for the party for our newborn nephew (second cousin). He is so cute. I was in love. :)

Sunday (7/19)...

We all got up early and left VA. I had so much fun. Anytime I get to spend it with my family is the best. Of course I slept through the whole trip. Dad drove.

I didn't look forward to going back to work. I didn't want to see this fool at work. UGH!

Monday, July 20, 2009

This Question Was Asked!!!

Girl: When are you getting married?

Me: I think you only ask when someone is in a relationship, it's more possible that way.

For that, she gets one of my WTF face. By the way, I am still shaking my head.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Finally...Zumba Tuesday!

I have waited for this class and I went for the first time. It's like I went to a club without alcohol *hmmmmm*.

The result... I LOVE IT! I can't wait for next Tuesday. Since the class is once a week, I guess I will be doing other stuff on my own to keep up. Oh yea, I have to definitely change my bad eating habits.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's Been 3 Years...

...not a day that passed and you weren't in my thoughts. Grandma I miss you dearly.

Don't You Wish... can just blog away as you think?... Not a chance! I don't think I will be having any posts on the usual weekend collection. I mean I have nothing to write about. I basically took a real weekend off and didn't do anything.

Here is my rants and raves...

I had lots of altercations at work with insignificant co workers. I know every job has them but this place have tons of them. So I wanted to blog about it but then too angry to even start. So I let it ride.

Friday, we had a get together after work. Good times as always and I think that was where my partying started and ended. I stayed home all day long yesterday and rested. I did a load of laundry.

Last week, I put some highlights to my hair and I got some compliments only from females. Now I always watch out when I get compliments only from females. Anyways today, so I decided I wanted only one tone for my whole head. I colored my hair and I remembered I wanted to catch up with Jill's blog. I am almost done catching up with her blog. I am very happy about it.

...Ode to Jillian...

...Jill is someone whose blog I accidentally clicked onto and realized that she and I are alike in many ways. She is a cool person and an awesome woman. weekend is winding down and I am not ready for Monday but I am sure Monday is ready for my sorry behind.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend Recollection...

It is kind of wrong of me to write only about the weekend when I haven't written since July 1st. But then I pulled myself together to write something last night. Oh is my blog , after all. (I do what I want!...kidding.)


Somehow work let us out around 3:15. I was happy. I took my "Yay, I got out early" ass to 5th Avenue to have an eye feast. I went to an apple store first to see how much they were selling the iPod Touch for. I ended up buying the Paul Frank case for it without the iTouch. And I took myself to Best Buy for the iTouch where they were selling it for 25 dollars less with same warranty. (Yes, I have been shopping smart lately, I must be broke, HA!) I bumped into a person once I knew from High School. No story to tell. He went out with the girl I know. He works there. So I stood there while he worked and we did this catching up thing. And I went home. I got home and was so tired...I fell asleep. Then woke up and had dinner.


I stayed in bed until 3...YES, 3 P.M. I finally woke up took a shower and got ready for the BBQ for 4th of July. So my dad's 2 sisters and the husband came over. And I had this girl I knew back when I was in grade school in Burma. basically I had a fun and quiet 4th of July with family. I also did one load of laundry. I didn't do much. I felt like I was 80 but hey, that was what I wanted to do.


Still didn't do much but went to the mall with my parents and vegged out at home. I did do another load of laundry. Seems like that's what I'm good for lately. (Doing laundry on the weekends.).

Anyways...I had a relaxing weekend which was what I wanted. As long as I enjoyed it who cares how old or what I felt like.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and had a happy 4th of July.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Sunday, July 5, 2009

At The Moment...

1. I WANT a HANK in my life. (Kendra is so lucky!)

2. I want to blog and not blog at the same time. (I am crazy, YES!)

3. I feel like cuddling.

4. Undecided on whether I should keep my iPod Touch.

5. I am not feeling wishy washy people.

6. I don't want to work tomorrow.

7. I love my parents and extended family dearly. (That's everyday!)

8. I seriously need to start doing some exercise.

9. I just caught a mosquito that was bothering the crap out of me.

10. I can't wait to finish my laundry so I can go to sleep.

11. I love my life.

Have a great night everyone.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

*New Haircut*

I got a haircut today. I cut off all the bad stuff out of my life today and closed all the chapters. Ready for the new beginning.

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This Is Why I Don't Date!

Okay so on my previous posts, I have been mentioning about The Marine. Him and I have been acquainted for the past 2 weeks and it finally came to an end. We go back and forth with our feelings, the situation and whatever else. I tried to be very understanding to people and their emotions. (I should be putting myself first.) And now look, where it got me. Well, I guess it's for the better. What doesn't kill me will make me stronger.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drunk? Yup that's me!...

Okay so I went out for drinks after work with co-workers. We all had so much fun. What did I have? I had...

4 margaritas
2 shots of Jack
1 shot of Jaeger
And yes...I'm pretty much done!

I had him on the work premises. (Oh yea, let's call him GTS...because he acts like a Goody Two Shoes. Boy that was a long time coming.) I didn't reach my destination yet he did! (WTF!). But I told him he owes me and he knows it also. Anyways.. I needed to get drunk. I am on the train and I need some food. (Whoever planned today's night out, let's call him Mr. Know at All, Thank you very much!)

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week Recollection...


I left work on time to run to main street to get my shish kabob fix after work. After that I went to the Monastery to leave my bags to run to get shaved ice and I got yell at by 3 Chinese women because I couldn't explain to them in the terms which they can understand. (I am not Chinese!!!) So embarrassing! They did my order wrong and then they tell me to go and pay again to get my right order. (are they CRAZY?) make the story short, I got what I wanted.


I woke up on time to take a shower and get to the Monastery on time. They started the program early which made us late. (I thought we were early.) And then I asked my parents if we can go to Bloomingdale's to get my bag and they gladly agreed. *all smiles* But I also ended up in NordStrom and ended up buying sunglasses that I WANT. (I know, shame on me) Then, to Walmart and Costco. I ended up with a migraine which I get every once in a while. (I have to figure out why I get them.) I got home and tried sleeping it off but it didn't help. My cousin woke me up to go and watch TRANSFORMERS. It was awesome. But I fell asleep towards the end because of my migraine. (I thought I was hungry so I picked up sushi before the movie but that wasn't it.) On the way back home, the gas light came on telling to me put some gas in it. So I stepped on gas and got stopped by the cops but I talked my way out of getting a ticket. (oh yea, in their words...SUMMON, WTF, ticket is a ticket.) When I got home which was like at 1:30 AM something... anyways...A friend of mine called. Let's call him "The Cop". And he wanted to stop by to see me. So I let him. We sat in his car and spoke until 4 in the morning. (it was stupid of me because my head was still pounding.)



Phone Phone is leaving NY today so I didn't have to go anymore to the Monastery so I woke up late. After that, I went for a 2 miles walk and then dinner at UNOs and then CVS with a friend of mine...let's call him "Sanford". Sanford was extremely nice to me. I have known him for so long. back home around 10:30 PM and then watched Kendra, Denise Richards and the BET Awards. I headed to bed at 2 something in the morning knowing I had to work...shit Monday is right on my ass.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

*side note* ~ The Marine didn't even contact me and I didn't either.

Friday, June 26, 2009

iPhone or iTouch?

I was thinking if I should get an iPhone. Look at IT. But I think I am just going to have to go with the iTouch. I already have a blackberry. And there is no need for me to have 2 cells. I mean I am no drug dealer.

Happy Thoughts...

As I mentioned before, I have some more updates on, let's call him, "The Marine".

Yea so...yesterday, The Marine and I planned to meet up after work. He came all the way to my job. We sat and talked between 7th and 8th Ave. It was awesome. I haven't seen him since that Friday night that I met him. Conversation was smooth sailing as person, on the phone or via texts. I love it. After that we took the train together and he went about his business and so did I. I can't believe he is so beautiful inside and out.

When will I see The Marine again?....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am speechless! There is a reason why I am speechless. Here goes nothing...

I was standing on F train minding my own business (putting my thoughts together for my next post), this man woke up out of nowhere and he started writing on the back of the paper that he had in his hand. This is what he put on it!!!

"Smile, I am CPA/Lawyer. My name is Robert. What is your name?"

And he handed me the paper. I was like WTF. So he took it back and wrote something again. So I had to think quick. (yes it's hard at times) I got off the next stop before he handed me that stupid ass paper again! (PISSED OFF!)

How could someone ran me off from my transit route? (I got off with the quickness). Is it me or am I just prone for weirdos?

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Monday, June 22, 2009

So Tempted!!!


SUMMER IS HERE!!! (Just literally speaking because it's pouring in NY *sobbing*)

Weekend Recollection...

Friday Evening...

I got off work and off I went on the train. I saw this beautiful man on the train. What an eye candy!!! (yes, I did the rude thing, I STARED!!!) We got off at the same stop to transfer. (Damn, he looked good!) Anyways...I saw him looking at me also. The boy is too damn cute for his own good. He started signaling me to take my headphones off and I did. (Oh boy!) So we were talking on the train. And we got off at Citifield to talk some more. (45 mintues!!!) We exchanged numbers. After the meditation center, he got in touch with me and we went out for a bite. It was great overall. That went well!


I got home late from Friday night late, I didn't get up early. I slept all day and then took a shower and off I went to Flushing to the Meditation center by public transportation.


Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!! And I wished all the first time daddies and daddy to-bes. They all deserved it. They work hard for all of us. My dad is in retreat at the meditation center so I planned to celebrate with him later in the week.


as usual, my mom and I took the bus after we did grocery shopping to head to Meditation center. I was occupied on my BB and my mom left me on the bus to transfer to another bus. (thanks mom!; it was funny but it wouldn't be really funny if I was really left back on the bus.) When I got on the another bus, the bus driver was hitting on me in front of my mom. *BLANK STARE* He was trying to ask for my number. He was cute. But then he followed me off the bus to get my number. (thank Buddha, my mom went the other way.) He took out his cell and he has a wedding ring on. *BLANK STARE* (again!) Here is how the conversation went:

Bus Driver: Can I have your number?

Me: Is that a wedding ring?

Bus Driver: Yes!

Me: I am sorry I can't give you my number, you are married!!!

I mean Dude, do I even have to ask that if that was a wedding ring? You should know better. *SMHH* I was thinking if I was dressed all slutty and I would understand why I got hit on because I just might have been asking for it. I looked like crap but I wasn't stinking or anything. I took a shower but I had on a large size T-Shirt (men's Large), jeans and Timberlands (it was raining). I wasn't even looking cute at all. So now, I realized it's not me. It's just BOYS. Boys are DOGS by nature.

Now I am starting to wonder if I had a sign on my forehead saying "Married Men Welcome" or "If you are married, please feel free to hit on me".

I hope everyone had a great weekend because I had a WTF weekend but it was all good.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Random Thoughts...

I found myself thinking ~

~ how much I miss tracing your face with my fingers (yes, you are still a big deal in my memories and I just might hate myself for it)
~ I don't have to worry about how I would have to look as long as I look fabulous. (feel so good not to have a crush on anyone)
~ I get so annoyed at overly sensitive people (grow thicker skin people!!!)
~ how I am detaching myself from everyone.
~ how I am enjoying myself with what I'm doing right now with the Monastery.
~ how I am not even attracted to anyone right now.
~ I want to take continuing education classes.


...I am glad the weekend starts after 4:30 PM and I cannot wait for a minute. I have nothing planned for the weekend except my cousin and I might go to the movies and the Monastery (of course!). I need to get father's day card for daddy (last minute, I know). I might have to owe him a gift because I am as broke if not more than the next business person. (shame on me!) But I am definitely looking forward to the weekend so that I can get some sleep that I lost during the week.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Am I Wrong?

A week ago, I was asked if I wanted a ride after work. I said sure. (yes I have unlimited metro card but I still wanted a ride.) Surely enough I got my ride and then the person who gave me a ride asked me for two dollars and said he will give it back to me. I did say its alright. But I do want my 2 dollars back. I felt like I paid for my transportation when I already paid for monthly except I got a ride from an upgraded vehicle. (whoopee!)


here is the truth...

2 dollars is nothing. If it was from anyone else, I wouldn't want it back. He is the kind of person who walks around with bunch of Benjamin in money clip and literally flashed in front of people. (BTW I am not hating.) So yes dammit, I want my money back. Am I wrong to want my money back?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

I woke up early to go to the Monastery to meditate. After that I went straight to my car and took at least an hour of nap. Then got back inside for my burmese breakfast. (YUM!) The rain has been crazy in New York. I haven't felt summer in New York.


I did the half human half robot thing at work. I did function but very slow and steady. I cannot wait for tomorrow morning. I don't have to get up early tomorrow. Phone Phone will be travelling to Washington DC for the next two days. After work, I stopped by at the shish kabob stand and had my fix. (also paid what I owed, felt much better.) While I was eating, it started to pour. (mom called right on time right after I finished eating, nice timing mom!) I headed to the bus stop to meet her and we came back to the Monastery.


Let's hope for no mishaps like last night! (I did take major precautions.)

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Friday Evening 'Til Sunday...

...Friday evening...

Since I lost 5 hours of sleep for two mornings put together for Thursday and Friday, I was so happy the week was over. So of course I did the usual thing and headed to the shish kabob vendor before mom meeting me in Flushing to go to the Monastery. (she didn't know how to take the bus to get there.) So I ate and owed him 5 dollars because I only had a 20. He didn't have change so he said next time. (I hate owing people.) I told him I would wait and he said not to worry and to pay him next time. I know I can pay him next time but I didn't want to do that. So now I am the girl who owes the shish kabob guy money.


woke up at 11 (so tired), to pick up a friend of the family from 179th to go to the airport to pick up cousins who came back from their honeymoon. (starving!) After I picked them up, I hurried back home with a quickness. (Mom said she had food but not too sure what it was.) I got home with cousins and a friend. We ate and I was half asleep on the living room couch. As the jet lagged couple took a nap, I was right along with them. (hell yeah, I was tired.) I woke up on time to go to the Monastery. (Dad never came back so of course mom & I went with my car, still didn't understand why we needed to go with two separate cars.) After we are done with "Ta-Ya-Pwear", we went home (in separate cars) to get my cousins and headed to the restaurant for dinner. After we had dinner, we went home and all the cousins bonded over the movies and the pictures they took in China.


I still had to wake up early because my cousins were heading back to VA. We all had breakfast and they left. (soon enough...) I went back to sleep. Before I went to sleep, I was told to get up on time for the Monastery by my dad. (I know this) Hours after, I got up, took a shower and then head to the Monastery (AGAIN! Yes with my own will!) After the "Ta-Ya-Pwear" my timberland flip flops were gone. (we had to take off shoes before entering.) I looked for them all over the place. They were nowhere to be found and at that time, I was already pissed and to top it off, I was hungry. All I kept mumbling was "how can someone leave with other people's shoes?" Then I went to the basement and only to find this lady wearing my flip flops. Here is the conversation between her & I:

Me: You are wearing my flip flops.

The Lady: I thought they were mine.

Me: *BLANK STARE MIXED WITH A WTF LOOK* (which I am not supposed to have that look according to the monk)


to continue the story, I had my flip flops outside of the Monastery and she had hers inside. And for her to even say they were alike, mines were TIMBERLAND and hers looked like crapped. I couldn't even tell who made them. (but that wasn't the case) And lady, wouldn't you know when you are wearing other people's shoes? They apparently weren't yours. Not only did she stretch out my flip flops, she lied to me also. How could she have thought they were hers when the flip flops were taken off in different places? (I might be younger than her but I wasn't born yesterday.) And she did not even apologize.

What a weekend!!! I didn't get my rest but it was all good. I did what I enjoyed.
Hope everyone had a great weekend like me.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm Annoyed!

Besides getting up at 3:30 AM for the past two days, I'm so annoyed at this lady at work. She shouldn't even be titled as a lady. Okay, let me start from the beginning...

I would like to think that I work with professionals but not where I'm at on daily basis. This lady walks around burping out loud and apologizing after the burps. (Do you see any professionalism in that?) And she wants attention out of that. (What are you like 5?) She looks at me every time she does it and she wants my comment (are you effing serious?) I pay no mind to that.


what I'm doing is making me supposed to feel peaceful and this whole outside world is pissing me off. But I guess I have to deal with the outside would and not get all pissed off.

...but then again...

it's better to be pissed off then pissed on. LOL!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Most Satisfied Purchase...

My secret hobby ~ I love reading people's blogs. They are awesome. And what I realized while I was reading was I need to broaden my vocabulary and make sure my blog is up to par. I want my blog to look fabulous like me (I know I'm fabulous). So I bought an electronic dictionary and thesaurus from Office Depot and I'm loving it. This is not a waste but an investment for myself. Hooray for me!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Am Exhausted!

I have been working and then going to "Tar Yar" events. I haven't had a "ME" time for awhile. I have things lined up until the end of this month. I am not complaining because that's things I love to do but I am exhausted. I am allowed to be tired. Then once in awhile I have thoughts that creep in and making me want to think about unthinkable. NOT GOOD AT ALL!!! Those are what I call, RELAPSE! Then I remind myself to stay away from evil thoughts. I mean they are not as evil as anyone would be thinking but to me they sure are. I am supposed to go forward not backward. Although, my dad has told me that I am like crabs...I go sideways. LOL. Whatever that means.

Yesterday, I realized something about boys...they don't like it when they are asked by their girlfriends and wives on what they are doing later with their time but when girls who are their friends ask, they are perfectly okay with it. Weird but whatever.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Est. June 8, 2009!

Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day counts, apparently! Over the weekend, I did some thinking and finally my dumbass has seen some lights. I didn't do anything wrong and didn't deserve how I was treated. But I guess every dog has their own days. As far as I know, I am good. I will be better and stronger as days go by. I am proud of myself for handling things well. Kudos for me!!!

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I'm in the NJ State of Mind...What a Weekend!

It's Sunday and I got up so early. It's the weekend for my sake. WTH! I have things to do. I didn't even start my laundry yet. I went to the "Yate Thar" and listened to "Tar Yar". I run to the bank and headed to NJ to visit my friends. I had a great time. I got lost as usual when I go to them. I didn't fail at that this time either. LOL! I got home and did 3 loads of laundry. I am tired as hell. I wish I can have some margaritas to relax. Hell I deserve from the way my weekend has started.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm Inspired!

So I cried my eyes out yesterday and I realized I need to stop that. I shouldn't cry over you. You are a very cold hearted person. You were lucky to have me as I was also but you could have handled it well. But now, I am at a point that you've done pissed me off. A friend of mine told me some inspiration words and I was like yea she is so right. So I was inspired and I can finally let go. I could have done what you did, but I am more grown for that. I am not going to be a child.

I have to be stronger and do what I have to do. I will face these problems as life goes on. As long as I recognize and I do accordingly, I feel that I will be fine.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Official!

Today when I woke up, you were there on the list. Then I got off work and I accidentally saw the number on my list and you were gone. I was in shock. I expected you to delete me earlier but you didn't. Now you did and I feel like you left me all over again. I cried so hard. I am having a tough time with this. All I can do is pray and ask for strength for me to deal with it.

How could you be so heartless?...

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Feel Sad...

Sometimes I just sit and think endlessly and I have this sense of sadness and I start to feel the pain. Right now, I am sitting on the back of the bus and I feel as if I have lost so much in my life. There is something definitely missing in my life. I can't seem to concentrate and am not happy. When I see people who are so happy, I envy them. I don't want to have what they have but I want to know when my happiness will come and stay with me. My day will come...hopefully...

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

At Last...

Finally... the blog is done. So beautiful. I love it. Thanks for all the help I got...I owe my BFF.

A Little More Time...

Good things come in time. is my blog. Only a little more glitches to fix and this will be ready to go. I can't wait to be

Speaking of good things come in time, I am doing some good stuff at home. I am hoping things will pay off at the end. My thoughts are all over the place again so best not to say anything until I can focus. *wink*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Scratched My Itch! ...

I started out with the above item...

All smiles...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good Deeds Day...

I got up so early and went to NJ with my parents for the new temple. I thought of you. You told me you wanted to go with me. I saw lots of food that you would want to eat. I was so about to call you but I told myself not to. You probably don't want to hear from me. I donated money to the monks. I feel peaceful. And I can still feel you in my heart.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feel So Good...

I fixed my blog site. I am so happy I did it on my own. I think I still need to fix one little thing but my brain is fried. I don't have an IT degree and I got myself this far so hell yea I'm proud of myself. Also feel geeky but proud! = )

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Matter...

Sometimes, I sit there and think about one person in the world who doesn't give a shit about me. And I get carried away with it and I start to feel sad. That's when I should stop and say to myself, I matter also and why should I be thinking about someone who doesn't give any crap about me. It's a daily battle for me and so far I am losing. I would just like to go a day without thinking about you if I could. But seems impossible. So I say to myself, one day I will be able to not think about you. I have got to start somewhere and take one day at a time. I have to love myself or who else will.

I hope everyone is having a great day. It's after all a Thursday, a day away from the weekend. Although, the weather is crappy.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Weekend...

My cousin got married to the man of her dream on May 24, 2009. I was the maid of honor at the wedding. It was very busy and exhausting but I had a blast. We all enjoyed at. I was all out of funk because all I can think about was you. I miss you so much. I am starting to get pissed off at myself because this is getting prolonging. I mean I don't think you are missing me. I am having a hard time.

I am so exhausted inside and out. I just want to crawl in my bed and not face anyone.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Missing You...

I miss you so much it hurts. I don't cry anymore because I'm all cried out but it feels empty. *sad*

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Friday, May 22, 2009

I Did What!!!...

I reinvented myself today. I created a new link for this blog. I mean you knew my old one and I don't know if you read it but why tempt you. So I did you a favor and I found me a new name for my blog. Yay me!!!

I feel better today because I am focusing on the wedding. I haven't written a speech yet. I don't know what I'm waiting for. It sucks to be me right now. But as always I believe in myself. I can do this with eyes closed. Lol!

I am on the road on the way to VA. Dad is driving and it's a beautiful thing. I will be knocked out pretty soon. :).

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