Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Recollection 11/13 - 11/15


The longest work day ever... The rain had to come for the weekend. UGH! But I guess, whatever! I mean nothing that an umbrella couldn't fix. It is what it was. But the only thing annoyed me was when it rains, we get train problems. I don't know why but we just do. So I had a long ride home hopping on more trains then I needed to. Then dad did the honor and picked me up from Flushing. Thank you Daddy! And please tell me why the ex was calling me like it was okay for him to call me.


I was coughing my lungs out the whole day. I hate this season for this reason alone. I get this horrible cold and it won't go away. I did some cleaning and went to CVS to get some medicine for the cough that won't go away.


I was going to go out but I decided to stay in to do the laundry and some more cleaning. A friend of mine from FL BBMed me and I was sorta surprised for the fact that we had a long meaningful conversation over it. One of the topic he asked was why I am not sharing myself out there. LOL. So I told him this...dude, I do go out and the last time I went out, I got hit on by the marrieds, the taken and the NON-English speakers. That right there was no win situation. Anyways...he gave me some encouraging words like I was in depression which I am not. I am practically happy with my life right now. Things can always get better and there is always a room for an improvement. Anywho, good BBM conversation overall and I ended my night with some Wanda Sykes.

I had a great weekend. I hope everyone enjoyed theirs.