Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 & Welcome 2010...

Have a happy, healthy and safe new year to all of you...

Just wanted to send you a little wish before I sign off...maybe while I am in the car if I am not too sleepy, I will blog more...

See you all next year....

Monday, December 28, 2009

So tiring sometimes...

...with all that, sometimes it's so hard to locate a person. FML!

Wheels are turning...

...I did lots of thinking on many topics this weekend. I thought about the friendships I gained and lost and recover, & what my part take in all the situations, my progress in every aspect of my life and how I can still improve and become a better woman. I am one of those who is loyal and stick with you 'til the end when I get the same responses in return. I know everyone is not perfect but I come damn Well...I have my flaws and I think to become a better person, the first step is to realize what your flaws are and to be able to make changes from them, only if one wants to, of course.

On a friendship level...

I know I can be the best damn friend anyone can ask for but most of the times, I find myself pulling back because of the past demon haunts me in the most miserable way. I am quite certain there is fault in both parties when it comes to all kinds of relationships but I've come across pretty messed up individuals in my life. And I know it's not the end of it yet. I will meet more of them I am sure of it. The important thing is that how I handle myself with them. And I truly appreciate everyone I met through all sorts of portals. They have been very inspirational and bring positivity to my daily life. I still do very much appreciate and love the constant ones who are in my life to cheer me on and let me have it when I deserve it. Oh and I realize I have lots of frenemies and I can't do anything but love them because they motivate me in a sick way.

On personal level...

School ~ I need to get to my thesis like yesteryear. I know I have talked about it many times on several occasions and I am still contemplating over nothing. UGH! I hate myself for it but I know that has to change immediately.

Work ~ I have made my 3 year mark at my job and I have learned a lot from it.

Home ~ I love my home life and I love my family. PERIOD!

Personality ~ I am short tempered and have no patience but if I didn't, it wouldn't be ME. =)

...okay so this post might sound like as if I have won an Oscar and thanking people but it just is what I was reflecting on this past weekend. Holidays make me all mushy and one emotional mess. Gotta love it.

I hope everyone had the best holiday with your loved ones.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays All...

... just wanted to wish all of you to have happy holidays with your loved ones and to send warm wishes your way ...

... hope you get all the gifts that you wanted from SANTA ...

So far I am having a very nice holiday with family and friends. I love all the wishes and cards that I got. I feel loved by all. I am grateful to have people who love me.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS...and do not take things/people for granted.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Smiles all around...

I baked sugar cookies last night for my coworkers and brought them to work today...the end results...THEY LOVE IT. =)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That's what I'm talking about...

Last night, after work, I felt great being on treadmill and in class. I felt every part of my muscles and I am feeling it now. LOL. I am getting things back in the swing of it. And the next thing I need to get the step on is on my THESIS. I need to focus.

It's cold as ice out today and I hope everyone is warm. I'd rather this weather more than the rain and snow. But fluffy snow is okay.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's ON!!!

Today is the first day back to the gym. As Borat would say, "I'm EXCITE!!!" lol... We shall see. Yesssir. I can't wait to be on treadmill and in a Latin Impact class. It's kind of sad because I was looking at the schedule and I can only catch that class on Tuesday. =( Anyways...let me just concentrate on the happiness that I WILL BE BACK IN THE GYM. YES!!!! I want to be looking SLAMMIN' by April but if it happens earlier than that who am I to argue with that. =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sometimes...people are...

...and that is all I have to say.

Happy 35th!!! the best parents I could ever asked for... I love you May May and Daddy.

Weekend Recollection 12/5 - 12/6


I had to get up early to take my mom to Brooklyn monastery. Then headed back home just in time to meet up with Shonda for long over due catch up time. We went to the gym first so I can get my gym affairs in order. I had to unfreeze my account and she wanted to join. After that we went to Roosevelt Field Mall to look at things. We had our eyes make over at the MAC counter and left to Red Lobster for dinner. We had a great catch up time. I haven't seen her since March. I will be seeing her more since we will be at the same gym.


My parents invited me out to have lunch with them for their anniversary. We went to this Thai was so delicious. We had a great time.

Overall, it was a great weekend. I am happy I did everything I love. I know I wasn't going to do the weekend recollections anymore but I didn't get to blog on the actual day and I didn't want to miss blogging the moments that I enjoyed. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I've decided!!!

I think I am going to either write daily or not write at all. I don't want to do the weekend thing anymore. I sometimes don't do anything exciting for me to write about so why write something when there's nothing happening. So I will only write when the writing flow comes through on top of my cabeza to the tip of my fingers. ;-)

Tiger Woods...

...I just wish people would stop talking about this. I don't condone what he did and it is unacceptable in my book but it sure is annoying to hear or read. Oh my, let me stop writing about it. Does anyone realize the troops will be sent overseas???

Thursday, December 3, 2009

When Sadness & Madness collide...

....there is a RANDOMNESS!

~ I wish I dream about my grandmother so I can see her one last time cousin and mom dreamed about her, and now they make me feel like grandma doesn't appear in my dreams because she is upset that I didn't get to see her before she passed. Last time I saw her was in 2003 and she passed in 2007.

~ Work is actually having Christmas party this year. We skipped last year so I wasn't expecting this year at all.

~ I need a change and I am actually going through the process right now. Revamping myself for 2010.

~ 15th can't come soon enough. It's a back to the gym day, pay day and anything and everything else day. LOL!

~ I hated that my dad was asking me where I was last night to pick me up and I couldn't tell where I was because I had no idea which way Jamaica Avenue was located and he didn't know where Jamaica Hospital was. Both of us didn't know where we were. That was pure and full throttle frustration for me. FAILED!!! BTW, that hospital was the most unorganized and ghetto place I have ever seen in hospital. I was horrified.

~ People must think I entertain DRAMA because even when I am running the other direction, they follow. I must have entertained it when I was much younger but not anymore.

~ I am starting to wonder why I have FaceBook and twitter accounts. They create problems.

~ I really can't stand people who portray themselves for what they are not. Now I feel like it's all a front.

~ I know that I am being judged from my blog but whatever. I don't think my blog can define me as a whole.

~ When all things else failed, I will still and always have my family.

~ After thoughts after thoughts last night, I told myself I am not going to let people take advantage of me and my kindness, and won't let things bother me.

I hope everyone is having a great day in this FORKS weather.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


...yesterday was the last day of November in 2009. A friend of mine from the past called and she and I went to have dinner and drinks. So it kind of took my blues away. I haven't seen her in years. I enjoyed my night out even though it was on dangerously, I know. LOL.

I can't believe we are in the last month of the year. Where did the time go? I got plans for 2010. Everything is in process. I can't wait for everything to fall into places.

Weekend Recollections 11/28 - 11/29


The whole day was not productive at all. But I guess I knew that since I got up. I just needed one of those days. I was lazy and fully rested.


I got up and cleaned my room. I did all the laundry and took a shower and got ready for work. I couldn't believe I was preparing for work. LOL. I was feeling emotional and a bit down. I guess it could happen when I started thinking about things.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.