Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drunk? Yup that's me!...

Okay so I went out for drinks after work with co-workers. We all had so much fun. What did I have? I had...

4 margaritas
2 shots of Jack
1 shot of Jaeger
And yes...I'm pretty much done!

I had him on the work premises. (Oh yea, let's call him GTS...because he acts like a Goody Two Shoes. Boy that was a long time coming.) I didn't reach my destination yet he did! (WTF!). But I told him he owes me and he knows it also. Anyways.. I needed to get drunk. I am on the train and I need some food. (Whoever planned today's night out, let's call him Mr. Know at All, Thank you very much!)

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Week Recollection...


I left work on time to run to main street to get my shish kabob fix after work. After that I went to the Monastery to leave my bags to run to get shaved ice and I got yell at by 3 Chinese women because I couldn't explain to them in the terms which they can understand. (I am not Chinese!!!) So embarrassing! They did my order wrong and then they tell me to go and pay again to get my right order. (are they CRAZY?) Well...to make the story short, I got what I wanted.


I woke up on time to take a shower and get to the Monastery on time. They started the program early which made us late. (I thought we were early.) And then I asked my parents if we can go to Bloomingdale's to get my bag and they gladly agreed. *all smiles* But I also ended up in NordStrom and ended up buying sunglasses that I WANT. (I know, shame on me) Then, to Walmart and Costco. I ended up with a migraine which I get every once in a while. (I have to figure out why I get them.) I got home and tried sleeping it off but it didn't help. My cousin woke me up to go and watch TRANSFORMERS. It was awesome. But I fell asleep towards the end because of my migraine. (I thought I was hungry so I picked up sushi before the movie but that wasn't it.) On the way back home, the gas light came on telling to me put some gas in it. So I stepped on gas and got stopped by the cops but I talked my way out of getting a ticket. (oh yea, in their words...SUMMON, WTF, ticket is a ticket.) When I got home which was like at 1:30 AM something... anyways...A friend of mine called. Let's call him "The Cop". And he wanted to stop by to see me. So I let him. We sat in his car and spoke until 4 in the morning. (it was stupid of me because my head was still pounding.)



Phone Phone is leaving NY today so I didn't have to go anymore to the Monastery so I woke up late. After that, I went for a 2 miles walk and then dinner at UNOs and then CVS with a friend of mine...let's call him "Sanford". Sanford was extremely nice to me. I have known him for so long. Anyways...got back home around 10:30 PM and then watched Kendra, Denise Richards and the BET Awards. I headed to bed at 2 something in the morning knowing I had to work...shit Monday is right on my ass.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

*side note* ~ The Marine didn't even contact me and I didn't either.

Friday, June 26, 2009

iPhone or iTouch?

I was thinking if I should get an iPhone. Look at IT. But I think I am just going to have to go with the iTouch. I already have a blackberry. And there is no need for me to have 2 cells. I mean I am no drug dealer.

Happy Thoughts...

As I mentioned before, I have some more updates on, let's call him, "The Marine".

Yea so...yesterday, The Marine and I planned to meet up after work. He came all the way to my job. We sat and talked between 7th and 8th Ave. It was awesome. I haven't seen him since that Friday night that I met him. Conversation was smooth sailing as always...in person, on the phone or via texts. I love it. After that we took the train together and he went about his business and so did I. I can't believe he is so beautiful inside and out.

When will I see The Marine again?....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am speechless! There is a reason why I am speechless. Here goes nothing...

I was standing on F train minding my own business (putting my thoughts together for my next post), this man woke up out of nowhere and he started writing on the back of the paper that he had in his hand. This is what he put on it!!!

"Smile, I am CPA/Lawyer. My name is Robert. What is your name?"

And he handed me the paper. I was like WTF. So he took it back and wrote something again. So I had to think quick. (yes it's hard at times) I got off the next stop before he handed me that stupid ass paper again! (PISSED OFF!)

How could someone ran me off from my transit route? (I got off with the quickness). Is it me or am I just prone for weirdos?

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Monday, June 22, 2009

So Tempted!!!


SUMMER IS HERE!!! (Just literally speaking because it's pouring in NY *sobbing*)

Weekend Recollection...

Friday Evening...

I got off work and off I went on the train. I saw this beautiful man on the train. What an eye candy!!! (yes, I did the rude thing, I STARED!!!) We got off at the same stop to transfer. (Damn, he looked good!) Anyways...I saw him looking at me also. The boy is too damn cute for his own good. He started signaling me to take my headphones off and I did. (Oh boy!) So we were talking on the train. And we got off at Citifield to talk some more. (45 mintues!!!) We exchanged numbers. After the meditation center, he got in touch with me and we went out for a bite. It was great overall. That went well!


I got home late from Friday night late, I didn't get up early. I slept all day and then took a shower and off I went to Flushing to the Meditation center by public transportation.


Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!! And I wished all the first time daddies and daddy to-bes. They all deserved it. They work hard for all of us. My dad is in retreat at the meditation center so I planned to celebrate with him later in the week.


as usual, my mom and I took the bus after we did grocery shopping to head to Meditation center. I was occupied on my BB and my mom left me on the bus to transfer to another bus. (thanks mom!; it was funny but it wouldn't be really funny if I was really left back on the bus.) When I got on the another bus, the bus driver was hitting on me in front of my mom. *BLANK STARE* He was trying to ask for my number. He was cute. But then he followed me off the bus to get my number. (thank Buddha, my mom went the other way.) He took out his cell and he has a wedding ring on. *BLANK STARE* (again!) Here is how the conversation went:

Bus Driver: Can I have your number?

Me: Is that a wedding ring?

Bus Driver: Yes!

Me: I am sorry I can't give you my number, you are married!!!

I mean Dude, do I even have to ask that if that was a wedding ring? You should know better. *SMHH* I was thinking if I was dressed all slutty and I would understand why I got hit on because I just might have been asking for it. I looked like crap but I wasn't stinking or anything. I took a shower but I had on a large size T-Shirt (men's Large), jeans and Timberlands (it was raining). I wasn't even looking cute at all. So now, I realized it's not me. It's just BOYS. Boys are DOGS by nature.

Now I am starting to wonder if I had a sign on my forehead saying "Married Men Welcome" or "If you are married, please feel free to hit on me".

I hope everyone had a great weekend because I had a WTF weekend but it was all good.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Random Thoughts...

I found myself thinking ~

~ how much I miss tracing your face with my fingers (yes, you are still a big deal in my memories and I just might hate myself for it)
~ I don't have to worry about how I would have to look as long as I look fabulous. (feel so good not to have a crush on anyone)
~ I get so annoyed at overly sensitive people (grow thicker skin people!!!)
~ how I am detaching myself from everyone.
~ how I am enjoying myself with what I'm doing right now with the Monastery.
~ how I am not even attracted to anyone right now.
~ I want to take continuing education classes.


...I am glad the weekend starts after 4:30 PM and I cannot wait for a minute. I have nothing planned for the weekend except my cousin and I might go to the movies and the Monastery (of course!). I need to get father's day card for daddy (last minute, I know). I might have to owe him a gift because I am as broke if not more than the next business person. (shame on me!) But I am definitely looking forward to the weekend so that I can get some sleep that I lost during the week.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Am I Wrong?

A week ago, I was asked if I wanted a ride after work. I said sure. (yes I have unlimited metro card but I still wanted a ride.) Surely enough I got my ride and then the person who gave me a ride asked me for two dollars and said he will give it back to me. I did say its alright. But I do want my 2 dollars back. I felt like I paid for my transportation when I already paid for monthly except I got a ride from an upgraded vehicle. (whoopee!)


here is the truth...

2 dollars is nothing. If it was from anyone else, I wouldn't want it back. He is the kind of person who walks around with bunch of Benjamin in money clip and literally flashed in front of people. (BTW I am not hating.) So yes dammit, I want my money back. Am I wrong to want my money back?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

I woke up early to go to the Monastery to meditate. After that I went straight to my car and took at least an hour of nap. Then got back inside for my burmese breakfast. (YUM!) The rain has been crazy in New York. I haven't felt summer in New York.


I did the half human half robot thing at work. I did function but very slow and steady. I cannot wait for tomorrow morning. I don't have to get up early tomorrow. Phone Phone will be travelling to Washington DC for the next two days. After work, I stopped by at the shish kabob stand and had my fix. (also paid what I owed, felt much better.) While I was eating, it started to pour. (mom called right on time right after I finished eating, nice timing mom!) I headed to the bus stop to meet her and we came back to the Monastery.


Let's hope for no mishaps like last night! (I did take major precautions.)

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Friday Evening 'Til Sunday...

...Friday evening...

Since I lost 5 hours of sleep for two mornings put together for Thursday and Friday, I was so happy the week was over. So of course I did the usual thing and headed to the shish kabob vendor before mom meeting me in Flushing to go to the Monastery. (she didn't know how to take the bus to get there.) So I ate and owed him 5 dollars because I only had a 20. He didn't have change so he said next time. (I hate owing people.) I told him I would wait and he said not to worry and to pay him next time. I know I can pay him next time but I didn't want to do that. So now I am the girl who owes the shish kabob guy money.


woke up at 11 (so tired), to pick up a friend of the family from 179th to go to the airport to pick up cousins who came back from their honeymoon. (starving!) After I picked them up, I hurried back home with a quickness. (Mom said she had food but not too sure what it was.) I got home with cousins and a friend. We ate and I was half asleep on the living room couch. As the jet lagged couple took a nap, I was right along with them. (hell yeah, I was tired.) I woke up on time to go to the Monastery. (Dad never came back so of course mom & I went with my car, still didn't understand why we needed to go with two separate cars.) After we are done with "Ta-Ya-Pwear", we went home (in separate cars) to get my cousins and headed to the restaurant for dinner. After we had dinner, we went home and all the cousins bonded over the movies and the pictures they took in China.


I still had to wake up early because my cousins were heading back to VA. We all had breakfast and they left. (soon enough...) I went back to sleep. Before I went to sleep, I was told to get up on time for the Monastery by my dad. (I know this) Hours after, I got up, took a shower and then head to the Monastery (AGAIN! Yes with my own will!) After the "Ta-Ya-Pwear" my timberland flip flops were gone. (we had to take off shoes before entering.) I looked for them all over the place. They were nowhere to be found and at that time, I was already pissed and to top it off, I was hungry. All I kept mumbling was "how can someone leave with other people's shoes?" Then I went to the basement and only to find this lady wearing my flip flops. Here is the conversation between her & I:

Me: You are wearing my flip flops.

The Lady: I thought they were mine.

Me: *BLANK STARE MIXED WITH A WTF LOOK* (which I am not supposed to have that look according to the monk)


to continue the story, I had my flip flops outside of the Monastery and she had hers inside. And for her to even say they were alike, mines were TIMBERLAND and hers looked like crapped. I couldn't even tell who made them. (but that wasn't the case) And lady, wouldn't you know when you are wearing other people's shoes? They apparently weren't yours. Not only did she stretch out my flip flops, she lied to me also. How could she have thought they were hers when the flip flops were taken off in different places? (I might be younger than her but I wasn't born yesterday.) And she did not even apologize.

What a weekend!!! I didn't get my rest but it was all good. I did what I enjoyed.
Hope everyone had a great weekend like me.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm Annoyed!

Besides getting up at 3:30 AM for the past two days, I'm so annoyed at this lady at work. She shouldn't even be titled as a lady. Okay, let me start from the beginning...

I would like to think that I work with professionals but not where I'm at on daily basis. This lady walks around burping out loud and apologizing after the burps. (Do you see any professionalism in that?) And she wants attention out of that. (What are you like 5?) She looks at me every time she does it and she wants my comment (are you effing serious?) I pay no mind to that.


what I'm doing is making me supposed to feel peaceful and this whole outside world is pissing me off. But I guess I have to deal with the outside would and not get all pissed off.

...but then again...

it's better to be pissed off then pissed on. LOL!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Most Satisfied Purchase...

My secret hobby ~ I love reading people's blogs. They are awesome. And what I realized while I was reading was I need to broaden my vocabulary and make sure my blog is up to par. I want my blog to look fabulous like me (I know I'm fabulous). So I bought an electronic dictionary and thesaurus from Office Depot and I'm loving it. This is not a waste but an investment for myself. Hooray for me!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Am Exhausted!

I have been working and then going to "Tar Yar" events. I haven't had a "ME" time for awhile. I have things lined up until the end of this month. I am not complaining because that's things I love to do but I am exhausted. I am allowed to be tired. Then once in awhile I have thoughts that creep in and making me want to think about unthinkable. NOT GOOD AT ALL!!! Those are what I call, RELAPSE! Then I remind myself to stay away from evil thoughts. I mean they are not as evil as anyone would be thinking but to me they sure are. I am supposed to go forward not backward. Although, my dad has told me that I am like crabs...I go sideways. LOL. Whatever that means.

Yesterday, I realized something about boys...they don't like it when they are asked by their girlfriends and wives on what they are doing later with their time but when girls who are their friends ask, they are perfectly okay with it. Weird but whatever.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Est. June 8, 2009!

Every second, every minute, every hour, and every day counts, apparently! Over the weekend, I did some thinking and finally my dumbass has seen some lights. I didn't do anything wrong and didn't deserve how I was treated. But I guess every dog has their own days. As far as I know, I am good. I will be better and stronger as days go by. I am proud of myself for handling things well. Kudos for me!!!

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I'm in the NJ State of Mind...What a Weekend!

It's Sunday and I got up so early. It's the weekend for my sake. WTH! I have things to do. I didn't even start my laundry yet. I went to the "Yate Thar" and listened to "Tar Yar". I run to the bank and headed to NJ to visit my friends. I had a great time. I got lost as usual when I go to them. I didn't fail at that this time either. LOL! I got home and did 3 loads of laundry. I am tired as hell. I wish I can have some margaritas to relax. Hell I deserve from the way my weekend has started.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

I'm Inspired!

So I cried my eyes out yesterday and I realized I need to stop that. I shouldn't cry over you. You are a very cold hearted person. You were lucky to have me as I was also but you could have handled it well. But now, I am at a point that you've done pissed me off. A friend of mine told me some inspiration words and I was like yea she is so right. So I was inspired and I can finally let go. I could have done what you did, but I am more grown for that. I am not going to be a child.

I have to be stronger and do what I have to do. I will face these problems as life goes on. As long as I recognize and I do accordingly, I feel that I will be fine.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Official!

Today when I woke up, you were there on the list. Then I got off work and I accidentally saw the number on my list and you were gone. I was in shock. I expected you to delete me earlier but you didn't. Now you did and I feel like you left me all over again. I cried so hard. I am having a tough time with this. All I can do is pray and ask for strength for me to deal with it.

How could you be so heartless?...

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Feel Sad...

Sometimes I just sit and think endlessly and I have this sense of sadness and I start to feel the pain. Right now, I am sitting on the back of the bus and I feel as if I have lost so much in my life. There is something definitely missing in my life. I can't seem to concentrate and am not happy. When I see people who are so happy, I envy them. I don't want to have what they have but I want to know when my happiness will come and stay with me. My day will come...hopefully...

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

At Last...

Finally... the blog is done. So beautiful. I love it. Thanks for all the help I got...I owe my BFF.

A Little More Time...

Good things come in time. Yes...so is my blog. Only a little more glitches to fix and this will be ready to go. I can't wait to be

Speaking of good things come in time, I am doing some good stuff at home. I am hoping things will pay off at the end. My thoughts are all over the place again so best not to say anything until I can focus. *wink*

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Scratched My Itch! ...

I started out with the above item...

All smiles...