Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I can take you out of your misery...

I don't understand why people walk around with their attitude faces on. I mean not that I care but when their attitude is going around the room, hell yeah its effecting me. I just want to come out and ask them, "Shall I shoot you now or later?" I will and I can take you out of your misery. And they get over their shit and then you are supposed to be all lovey dovey with them. That's when I look at them and give them one of my famous expression...DICK FACE!

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Past

Sometimes...I wonder if it's me who has a short temper and low tolerant or others that make me tick. But then me wondering something that is waste of my time, I got over it and I stop wondering. I used to know people when I was younger...people who I used to go to school with to be exact, they sometimes come to me and say I don't contact them or I have a good life. What the hell are they talking about? Are they saying I have a good life because I am in US? Or are they saying it because I am here with my family? Either way it's not my fault. And how do they know if I have a good life here or not? And being in touch with each other goes both ways. I see all of them contact each other. I feel left out and out of loop but do I say something about that...HELL NO! But what I don't put up with it is when they bring that bullshit to me. I don't have time to entertain all that. You either want to talk to me or not. I am not going to sit here and wonder if I was in their thought. Apparently, I was never in their thoughts as well. But no one ever hear me BITCH about anything. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008


I get frustrated when I don't get things when things are just simply layed out for me. *FRUSTRATED* It's pouring cats and dogs out there. I hate it when it happens because it ruins the weekend and MY HAIR. LOL. I did my hair this morning all purty and when I got into work...Poof Gone! Then it's freezing out. Summer is officially over. *sobbing*

I can't wait to go back to Burma to see my family. I haven't been back since 1995. That's too damn long.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Things have been crazy in my life lately. Being pulled in different directions and not having enough time to do things. I feel like I need to go to a Time Management seminar. But then, where would I get that time? :) That would defeat the whole purpose of managing time. What else can I do?

But I need to prioritize things. Not to sound selfish but I am going to put myself first for once.

Staying grounded...

Reflecting on whats been happening...

I know for sure it's good to be grounded. Somehow people surrounding me are not grounded much less of being true to themselves. Things like that make me laugh so I stand back and see everything fall into places as the life unfold itself. And there are people who wants to know all about me but when it comes to them, they are all tight lips. Well...as long as I am in the center of their attention, who care about them, right? LOL.

How can one call themselves a friend and do not act like one. You see that is the reason why I do not use that "friend" word loosely.

Today...I decided that I want to be selfish and I just want to please me. I have been going around and trying to please people and not wanting to hurt their feelings so I have become this somewhat of a fake person which I hate very much. I stay true to myself if I can't do it with anyone else. That's the least I can do for myself. That's how I stay ground!!! :)