Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Still battling with no regrets

5 years ago, I made a life changing decision. Do I regret it? No. That's just only because I don't live with regrets. Was that a good decision? At that time, yes. Would I do it again if I get a redo? I would. For me, present time is more precious than anything. Do I think about it? All the time. I will never forget.

The decision I made was not a selfish one. At that time, I had myself to consider and myself alone. I did ask my parents' permission because it might effect them in the future. They let me know that they'd rather have me well and healthy. From time to time, I do think about how things would have been now. But, that's not regret, that's just me reflecting on the past.

One day, I will still get what I want.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


I used to think that a person can only fall in love once in a lifetime.  But, surely, I discover that we are all lucky enough to fall in love more than once. (well, at least me)  I used to cry and be miserable when I come out of a relationship. Then, I feel like I don't know how to move on with my life. (Funny, right? But, not at that moment.) Or, I won't ever love again.

When I went back home, an astrologer said I am a love queen.  I LOVE love.  I love being in love. Now I know why she said that.  I believe it.  Because I am that person who was hurt being in love because I give my all when I am in love and not afraid to do it all over again when the right person come along.  We only live once, right?