Thursday, August 20, 2009

Weekend Recollection 8/14 - 8/16

Okay so this will be the last week of doing my weekend recollections way past after the actual weekend. From now on, I promise myself I will do my entries on time.


~ 8/14 ~

I couldn't wait to get home because my mom has promised me that we would all go to the movies after work. And sure enough, the whole house went to see "The Time Traveler's Wife". It was sad but at the same time very romantic. We all enjoyed it. After the movies, we all talked about making Wednesdays a family movie night. I was THRILLED!!! (can you tell I love movies???)

~ 8/15 ~

Got up on Saturday with an agenda...of course, the beach. I found out mom was sick and I thought nothing of it. I asked her if it was okay for me to go to the beach and she said fine and just to be careful. So there I went. I had fun and came home to find out that mom was more sicker than when I left the house. I did laundry and I went to sleep. In the mid of the night, my dad came knocking on my door asking for the heating pad for mom. I gave him it to him and then went back to sleep.

~ 8/16 ~

I was deep asleep and I heard another knock. My dad came in and said to tell my mom to go to the hospital. I went upstairs and saw her lying there in the bed all pale and cold. I was so scared. I called my uncle in VA and they spoke. She didn't want to go to the hospital. She said she will be better in a couple of hours. (now I know where I got my stubbornness. *smh*) Well, we, my dad and I, finally got her to go to the hospital with us. We got there at 11 am and after all the test we found out that she might have had her appendix swollen. So they said there might be a possible surgery happening between 6 - 7 pm. And she was admitted to the hospital. After that she got a room. They came and got her for her surgery at 7:30 pm from her room and then the surgery didn't start until 8:30 pm. (WTF!) So my dad and I waited in the family waiting room and paced. The surgeon came out at 10:30 pm and asked us why we didn't bring her in earlier and that her appendix looked like it has been ruptured for 4 - 5 days. We were both dumbfounded. We told him that even for us to bring her here today, we practically begged her. Anyways, she came out to the recovery room so the anesthesia get worn off before they take her back to her room. She looked so weak. I was so sad. I almost lost my mom. The thought did crossed my mind and I cried. After we saw her for a bit, we headed home.

What a weekend!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend.