Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend Recollection 8/28 - 8/30

~ Friday ~

Somehow I didn't feel like working and I just wanted to go home. Did I have plans? NO! The thought of me being home is like better than next to NOTHING. Oh my, have I become this 80 years old. No but I am enjoying this phase of my life. Well the fact that Mom is sick and I want to be home taking care of her. Basically I stayed home and relaxed.

~ Saturday ~

I woke up and did nothing but just stayed with Mom. She needs for us to stay with her. Poor Mom. A friend of mine and her boyfriend came over and brought us food on the same day my dad and I cooked.

~ Sunday ~

It was a better day for Mom. more sponge bath for her. I did the laundry and got myself mentally ready for the week coming.

Anything & Everything

~ I hate when there are tons of seats on the bus/train and people choose to sit next to me.

~ I don't mind the Mondays because why complain when it has been existing for the longest.

~ I want love but I am not looking for it.

~ I don't want know what I'm waiting for but I need to get cracking on my thesis.

~ I don't understand why people like to be touching strangers. Ewww!

~ I don't know why but I want a weave. LOL!

~ I want to get my face pierced also but too chicken about it because of the healing period.

That's all for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I forgot to charge my iPod. FML.

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