Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday Blues...

I don't know what it is lately that I have been bored out of my mind. I don't want to do anything. I feel blah. I have so many wants on top of my head that, that's when I know I am BORED.

I feel sad today. Not on anything particular but I am having that sadness running through me. No matter how busy I get at work, I find myself reading all the blogs I follow. It's like a daily ritual thing. I see some of them give advice, giving reviews, life stories and experiences they went through, their feelings and current situations and such. But here I am, I am not willing to go all the way with sharing all of me YET. But I enjoy reading others' blogs. They are very insightful. Mine is not. :-( Maybe that's why I don't have anyone reading my blog, except for JILL. Thank Buddha for her.... and thank you Jill.

Okay I hope everyone is having a better day than me. :)