Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weekend Recollection 9/3 - 9/7

I know 9/3 was not apart of the weekend but I have no choice but to include it. You will see why...


I worked and came home. Of course I was looking forward to the long weekend. (Shit I waited for it since May! A bit much? I think not!!!). So I got home and found out mom had a high fever during the day when she was alone under no one's care. But she claimed she felt better but the fever came back with the vengeance. 103, WTF!!! At first, she was so cold and no color in her face. Then she was getting her color back and started to shake like a crackhead who needed crack yesteryear. I was scared to death. (Trust me, you don't want me dead!) I paged the family doctor and she YELLED at me again for not rushing my mom to ER. On previous posts, I have mentioned mom had her appendix ruptured and had an operation. So in the ER, they had a couple with concerns with her lung, pneumonia and etc... (they didn't seem to know, and they were panicking so ummm, what were my dad & I supposed to do?) Oh and since it's the second time around at the hospital, I looked! Yea I said it, I LOOKED around. (Although mom was sick and all, sorry mom, I love you.) There is no one like McDreamy nor McSteamy. It's only on the screen. They only exist in Hollywood. But there were McSoSo, McNoWay, & McHellNo! Ummm, sorry, I digress! Back to mom! So along came what she hated. She was admitted. I left the hospital at 2 AM.


Here came results on early morning. Mom needed another surgery. She got infections from the rupture. UGH! Poor mom! So yes the long weekend was at the hospital, practically my second home, my home away from home.


My cousin came from VA to be around mom. I spent time at the hospital and my cousins & I went to have Korean BBQ. Mmmm YUM! (I wish I can get some right now.) I got to sleep at home. :-)


My cousin had Indian food since I live in "Lil India" (haha), and we headed to the hospital. Then took him back to the train station. He went back to VA.


Labor day! No work! Yay! Hospital! Laundry! Hospital!

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Mine was stressful but grateful mom got help and is feeling better.

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