Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you still have an account?

So...I had an aim chat with this dude yesterday. And there was no hello or hi or how are you.

Him: Are you ok?
Me: Yea, why?
Him: Are you still on Facebook and Twitter?
Me: Yes I am.
Him: I c
Him: Did you delete me?
Me: Yes I did.

*awkwardly ended the chat by the dude*

I do the summer/fall/winter/spring cleaning on those accounts. I am not on there for the popularity contest so I delete people that are on the list for I don't know what. *shrug* The problem with this dude was he feels the need to know what the hell is going on in my life. Yes granted that I am on those things because I got no shame in my game and it's for everyone once you go online. But in my defense, my accounts are private. I am mainly on there for family and I play FB games. *embarrassed* Anyways, if there is a new tweet or status go up instead of him commenting or whatever, he privately asks me. And when he has his status or tweets up and if anyone comments or replies, he deletes them. WTF! So, yes I deleted him.
With that said, GOOD DAY DUDE!!!