Monday, August 24, 2009

Weekend Recollection 8/21 - 8/23

It seems as I am counting my weekends starting from Friday...oh wells... I think I have to do that on a certain weekend.


I didn't want to work nor did I even want to be at work. My uncle and aunt will be in NY from VA. Well, all Virginians (all 7 of them) were supposed to be in NY this weekend. 2 of them were supposed to arrive Friday and the rest were supposed to be here on Saturday. I was happy to see my family although it's raining after work


Early in the morning, we got a call that my uncle was in ER in VA. WTF!!! I can't take bad news anymore. Something was wrong with his heart and all of them couldn't make it to NY. It's fine that they couldn't make it but I didn't like the fact that he wasn't feeling well. So I stayed in, as I planned, except I had to take my aunt and uncle to Macy's. And then I took much needed naps several times. Mom is still not better. She has pains and doesn't want to take the pain killer. She doesn't want to be addicted to it.


My aunt and uncle left like at 6 in the morning. I did some laundry and watched TV with my parents.

Update on my uncle...he is admitted at the hospital and he will be discharged today. He is feeling better. Dad took 2 days off to stay with mom. I am thankful. I haven't been doing much with anything lately due to mom being sick. And I am good with that. Mom comes above everything. I have been sleeping in the living room on the couch...give my room up for mom and dad since she can't go up the stairs. :-)

Anyways...I hope everyone had a great weekend and have a wonderful Monday.