Sunday, July 12, 2009

Don't You Wish... can just blog away as you think?... Not a chance! I don't think I will be having any posts on the usual weekend collection. I mean I have nothing to write about. I basically took a real weekend off and didn't do anything.

Here is my rants and raves...

I had lots of altercations at work with insignificant co workers. I know every job has them but this place have tons of them. So I wanted to blog about it but then too angry to even start. So I let it ride.

Friday, we had a get together after work. Good times as always and I think that was where my partying started and ended. I stayed home all day long yesterday and rested. I did a load of laundry.

Last week, I put some highlights to my hair and I got some compliments only from females. Now I always watch out when I get compliments only from females. Anyways today, so I decided I wanted only one tone for my whole head. I colored my hair and I remembered I wanted to catch up with Jill's blog. I am almost done catching up with her blog. I am very happy about it.

...Ode to Jillian...

...Jill is someone whose blog I accidentally clicked onto and realized that she and I are alike in many ways. She is a cool person and an awesome woman. weekend is winding down and I am not ready for Monday but I am sure Monday is ready for my sorry behind.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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