Monday, January 5, 2009

You Own My Heart...

Relationships are funny. It's a hard work and you have to keep working at it. They don't come easy as they seem. Its like the hardest unpaid job there is. Meanwhile, there will be a "he" that wants a break or a "she" that wants some space.

I don't get those things and I don't believe in those things just like I don't believe in dating. I have a hard time dealing the guy would be out with me one night and he will be or even I will be out with another person. So according to me, which you may agree or not agree, everyone is entitled to their opinions, needing space and taking breaks means you want to go out there and do your shit and then come back with no guilt! So after all that said, I might not be able to bank roll anyone I am with but they own my heart if they find a way in and I won't be feeding any bullshit and I don't want to hear it either!

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