Wednesday, January 7, 2009

All Things...

Actually I should say all good things must come to an end. Well, I didn't actually say that. Its a quote that I have heard before. I walk my path with no fear and no regrets but sometimes I go by slow and get worried when I feel something good is happening. I don't want it to end. But luckily, when things end in my life, its just because they are THAT bad. So I don't mind ending anything.

Off the topic, there were mice at my job. WTF! I mean I feel like I work in third world country. (Please take no offense in this, I, myself, came from the third world country) I got mosquitoes and mice. So mosquitoes get their feast on my juicy meat while the mices eat away all my snacks away. I had to throw out all my shit from the cabinets today. I was pissed but its okay because maybe they were hungry. And on top of it, the boss said NO EXTERMINATOR! Now really? You can call them. They are all over the place in yellow pages. Hell we live in NY. There is nothing we don't have. Anyways, so we got mouse traps. I am afraid to go into work tomorrow morning and find these little suckers I have been feeding for days are stuck on traps.

On the happy note, there might be a possible date on Friday for yours truly... ;)

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