Thursday, January 22, 2009

As much as...

I love spontaneous things, I hate unplanned events. Once again, I know I am not making sense to anyone but I know exactly what I mean.

I woke up this morning and changed my get ready routine so I felt all unorganized but what the hey, right! Anyways, Thursday are slow days at work and I didn't feel like working but I knew I have to so I did my work and everything was going great until people showed up at my desk and evacuated me from my desk so they can fix the hole in the wall that was behind my cubicle. That basically meant I needed to get out of there like YESTERDAY. I get off at 4:30 and all this was happening at 3:30. Does anyone know how much shit I got up in my space? Again this type of spontaneous shit, I don't appreciate!!! I had to move most of my stuff for two days so they can work in that area and I can still be a slave for the next two days for the plantation! And the boss said not for me to get used to it in the office. WTF! Ummm, NO THANK YOU, I'd rather get an office because I get promoted, NOT BY DEFAULT!!!

At the end of the move and the undone work that I needed to attend to, it was 4:45. Dammit, I'm late. YES late! I have got to go home. :). I can't be late on that. All the stress that I had today, if I can have a cupcake with tasty frosting, life would be that much better!!!

Hope everyone had a well organized and better day at work!!!

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