Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness...

Lots of things happened in the month of March. I went back to Burma for the second time in 14 years. I saw my family which was the best part. The second best part was going to all the pagodas and eating food that I have been missing for years. I went to my grandmother's grave for the first time and gave her respect. I miss her. I missed lots of people back in US and they missed me I assumed. LOL!

My nephew was born on the 15th and he is the cutest lil thing right now. I went hiking as I mentioned in my previous post and I learned how to drive stick shift. Awesome!!! Best teacher ever for stick shift!!!

And best of all, I started something wonderful! That wonderful thing will be revealed in time.

I hope everyone had the most wonderful March as I did!

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